Chapter 23 ~ New Years

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It's New Year's Eve. You finish getting ready for the party and meet up with Phil at the bus stop.
"Are you sure you want to go to this?" Phil asks as you wait for the bus to arrive.
"I already said I'm coming. No matter how much I hate them." You sigh.


You arrive at the party at 9:27pm. It's at a decent sized house filled with drunken teenagers.
You and Phil immediately give each other the 'this was a big mistake' glance when you hear multiple bottles smashing.

For the first half hour of the party, you and Phil just stand awkwardly in the corner talking when someone comes up to you.
"So. You came." Grace says, folding her eyes and looking you up and down.
"Yeah." You say.
"Hm. And, who's this?" Graces asks, turning to Phil.
"This is Phil." You explain.
Grace puts on a fake smile. "Nice to meet you, Phil." She says, shaking Phil's hand.
"So." She says, turning back to you. "How's the life of a bitch treating you?"
"It's actually pretty great. I get less f*cktards like you annoying me 24/7." You laugh.
"Did you just call me a f*cktard?!" Grace gasps loudly, catching the attention of people around you.

You don't reply. Just stand there as you now notice how many people are staring at you.
"BITCH!" Grace shouts, slapping you straight across the face.
"Is that the only thing you can call me?/Do you even care how many people are looking at us right now?" You ask, holding you cheek.
"No!" Grace shouts, pulling your hair and slapping you again.
You push her off and turn to walk away when she shoves you from behind.
You get up, walk over to her and slap her in the face.

Suddenly, a strong, tall boy pushes you over.
"The f*cks going on here?" He shouts.
Phil rushes over to help you up. "Maybe we should go..." He whispers to you. You nod in agreement and begin to leave when the boy stops you.
"What you slapping my girl in the face for?" He asks, blocking the exit.
"I..." You begin, but get cut off by Grace.
"She hates me for no reason!" She shouts.
"Is this true?" The boy asks, stepping closer to you.
"She's lying!" You hear Alice shout.
"Yeah!" Molly shouts in agreement.
Wow. All your old friends ganging up on you? Fun.

"Look, we really have to go..." Phil explains, trying to get past the boy.
"The only way you're leaving is in a full body cast." The boy says intimidatingly.
The room falls silent. The boy begins to get closer and closer to you and Phil.
"Run?" Phil whispers to you.
The two of you sprint down the hall and up the stairs.

"Why did we go up the stairs? What a stupid move!" You complain as a group of people search the house for you.
"We need to hide.." Phil says, looking around the upstairs hallway for a place to hide.
"Over there!" You whisper/shout, pointing to a ladder at the end of the hall.
"Where does it lead?" Phil asks.

"YOU CANT HIDE FROM US!" You hear the boy shout from downstairs.
"Guess we're about to find out." You say as you drag him down to the ladder.

When you climb up, you find out that the ladder leads to the roof.
Phil pulls the ladder back up.

"What're we going to do?" He asks.
"I don't know. I guess we can.... Climb off the roof." You say, looking down at the ground.
"That's really high... What if we fall?"
"I don't know." You sigh. "But what if we get caught by a group of drunken teenagers who basically want to kill us?"
"Good point." Phil slightly laughs.

You and Phil plan out a route to get down.
You go before Phil. You hang on the edge of the roof. You slide across to a lower down roof then jump onto that. You are now pretty close to the ground, however, you're a pretty small person. You can still get hurt really bad if just jump down. Good thing Phil's tall.
He hangs off the edge of the roof while you crawl down his back. You hang off his knees, then jump down. He jumps down after you, stumbling a bit before the two of you run down the street and turn the corner. You arrive at the nearest bus stop.

You wait ten minutes for the next bus to come, then flop onto the seats at the back.

"Well that was dramatic." Phil laughs as you both finally catch your breath.
"I know right!" You laugh.
You and Phil chatter for the next half hour home. The two of you laugh a lot, of course Phil looks adorable when he laughs.

 The two of you laugh a lot, of course Phil looks adorable when he laughs

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When you and Phil got back at 11:00 you decided to go to your secret place beside the stream.
You spend the next hour there.

"It's almost midnight!" Phil says, checking the time. He stands up, then slips on ice and gets covered in snow.

Giggling, you help him up. He looks down at his phone.
"10." He smiles at you.
"9." You smile back.
"4." At this point, Phil is very close to you.
"2." You close your eyes. You can feel Phil's warm breath on your face.
Before you can say one, Phil presses his lips against yours. You wait a few seconds before kissing back.
He pulls away slightly, keeping his face close to yours.
"Happy new year, snowflake."

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