Chapter 20

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Phil's POV
I begin my walk home in the snow.
It's not that long, but it's creepy.
The streets are dark and quiet.
I'm walking through a small lane when I hear footsteps in the snow behind me..
I spin around to find nobody there.
I shrug and continue walking when..
I spin around again, this time finding the person behind me.

"Hey Philly."



"Y/N! I want fooood!" You hear Holly shout at your doorway. Your eyes shoot open and look at the doorway where Holly, Lacey and Charlotte are standing.
"Are you just awake?" Charlotte giggles.
"Why? What time is it?" You jump out of bed.
"It's 11am." Lacey says checking her phone.
"Sh*t okay there's cereal in the cupboard closest to the fridge." You explain, rushing around the room doing your hair.
"Why are you in such a rush?" Lacey asks.
"I have to go to a doctors appointment with my mum!" You explain, grabbing an outfit out of your closet.
"Are you just gonna leave us all here then?" Lacey asks.
Charlotte places her hand on her head. "My head really hurts."
Holly does the same "mine too."
"It's called a hangover." You laugh.
"Ugh. I'm going to go get breakfast." Charlotte says, all three of them exiting the room allowing you the get changed.


"I'm going to meet my mum at the hospital. You people better not be in my house when I get back." You shove your shoes on and leave the house to go catch the bus.


"There you are, Y/N. I was getting worried." Your mum smiles at you as you enter the waiting room in the hospital.
You take a seat beside her.
You have a small conversation with her when the receptionist calls your mum.
You wait a while outside the room until the doctor comes out.
"You can come in now."
You enter the room and stand beside your mums head.

"Okay. Right.... Here. That's your baby." The doctor smiles, pointing at a small blob on the screen.
Your mum starts tearing up.
"I'll be back in a minute." The nurse smiles, getting up and leaving the room.
"Mum?" You look down at your mother.
"I don't see it."
Your mum laughs.
"Seriously. Where is it?" You say, inspecting the screen.
"Y/N. You see that tiny blob shaped like a peanut?"
"Honey. That's it."
"Well I saw that!" You exclaim.
Your mum laughs and looks up at you.
"Are you not scared?"
Your mother looks back at the screen again.

Hai lads!
Obviously it's Noonpad.
Sorry if this chapter was extra bad, I'm hella ill right now and I'm almost sure I've been hallucinating. I swear I saw my badger-like maths teacher in my bath.
This was also a very short chapter.
Don't judge me.
I think I'm going to start a danisnotonfirexreader today as well, but I don't know which idea of mine I should use. I have two very different ones that I would use now. Millions of ones that I am planning to use as danisnotonfirexreaders and amazingphilxreaders. They're going to be top notch.
Bye lads!

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