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So, I've been fucking tagged again in something.

YourpalArio targeted me to do some 5 facts about me thing.

First, here are the rulez. With a z coz I'm one of teh kool kidz

1. Tag 15 people, but I'm a lazy dick so I'll probably just end up tagging, like, two.

2. Do not Barack (back just autocorrected to Barack.-.)

Anyway, do not Barack Obama out.

3. Do it within a week.

4. Don't do it in the comments.

5. Post the rules.

*insert dramatic introduction to the tag here*

5 Facts About Me

1. I'm Scottish.

2. I really really like drama.

3. My social life is almost non-existent. Tbh, the only reason I have friends is bc my friend that I've known for years is really good at socialising, unlike me.

4. I'm very awkward, even online.

5. I question literally everything about myself.

So, I tag... Hmmm.... Brb lemme go check who's in my notifications...


I got bored.

Keep Scrolling for five bonus facts.

Seriously, you actually want to read more facts about the pathetic person that is me?

Holy shit fine here:

1. I'm band trash.

2. I'm also meme trash.

3. Alice in Wonderland intrigues me.
Don't ask why, bc I don't know why, but it does.

4. Atm I have 15 vinyl/pop figures, 13 full sized ones.

5. I fucking love anime.

I'm surprised I didn't mention Phan there once.

Nvm I just fucking did.

I may or may not have had to change some of those facts because they were too nerdy.

I hate myself.

I'll just leave.

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