Chapter 27

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You slam the door behind you and speed walk down the street, around the corner and down to the bus stop where Phil's waiting for you.

"Are you okay?" He asks as soon as you get there.

"Yeah... W-Why wouldn't I be?" You look down at your shoes.

"You look like you've been crying. Are you sure you're okay?"

You sigh as the bus stops in front of you.
"My Mum's a bitch."

You explain the situation to Phil while the bus drives you into town.

"Just ignore her, Y/N. You won't have to live with her much longer anyway." Phil places a hand on your knee. His innocent blue eyes looking into your E/C ones. Without another word, he wraps his long arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace.


You sit at a table in a coffee shop with Phil, Zoe, Chris and Louise.

You're waiting for you're drinks to be brought to your table.

"How long does it take to deliver five drinks..." Chris complains as he looks at the counter. There's five drinks there that seem like they're meant to be yours.

"I know right! This guys definitely not getting a tip..." Louise agrees.

"Give him a break guys! You don't know how hard his job is." Zoe says, staring at the server who's now collecting your drinks.

"Zoe... Does somebody have a crush?" Louise asks.

"Maaaaybe...." Zoe smirks. Suddenly, the server notices Zoe looking at him. He smirks at her and waves a little. Her face goes red as she waves back. The boy walks over and serves your drinks.

"Would you like anything else?" He asks.

"No thank you." Phil says.

"Okay.  That'll be £12:45." The server explains.

"Let me pay." Chris takes out his wallet and begins to count the money.

Zoe and the server continue to look into each other's eyes.

Louise leans over and whispers something to her. Zoe looks at her and shakes her head. Louise groans.
You join the quiet conversation.

"Talk to him." You say.

"No! He won't like me!" Zoe whisper shouts.

"Yes he will!"

You and Louise continue to try and get Zoe to talk to him when you notice that he's just picked up the money and is about to leave. You decide to take charge of the situation.
You tap him on the shoulder as he turns to leave.

"Quick question. What's your name?"

"Oh. It's Alfie." He smiles at Zoe.

"Okay, well, I'm Y/N. This is Zoe." You say pointing to Zoe.

"Zoe? What a lovely name."

"Thank you. I-I like your name too." Zoe says nervously.

"Really? I always kind of hated it."

"Why? I love it." Just as Zoe says that, Alfie's boss calls him over.

"Oh.. I've got to go.." He says. He hands Zoe a piece of paper before he walks off.

"Ooooooh what does it say?" Louise asks as Zoe unfolds the small slip of paper.
All five of you inspect it.

*insert phone number that I can't be bothered making up here*
Call me.


After you finish your drinks, you all head out to the cinema.

Louise, Zoe and Chris go to get snacks while you and Phil get the tickets from the machine.

As you're walking away from the machine, you hear a familiar voice from behind you.

"Y/N." Grace says.

You and Phil turn around at the same time to find her and the boy from the party standing behind you.

"What?" You ask.

"What happened to you at the party?" She asks.

"Duh, Grace, she and her boyfriend there were being wimps and ran away." The boy says as he puts his arm around Graces waist.

You don't say anything, just roll your eyes.

"Oh, so you're saying that you're not a wimp? That you can take me?" Grace says, stepping closer to you.

"No. I literally said nothing."

"Ooh you think you're smarter than eeeverybody else do you?"

"Nope. I was just stating the obvious."

You turn to leave when Grace and her presumably boyfriend blocks your way.

"Stop trying to be smart, Y/N. Stop trying to act so cool. We both know you're a complete idiot." Grace let's out a small chuckle. "No wonder your father left."

You say nothing. Tears begin to form and threaten to spill out of your eyes. You and Grace stand there, doing nothing. A blank, emotionless expression on your face and a bitchy smirk on hers. Grace's boyfriend folds his arms and grins. Phil just stands there awkwardly.

After almost a minute, Phil looks over at Chris, Zoe and Louise who are now walking slowly towards this.

"Come on, Y/N, we'll miss the movie..." Phil begins to pull you away, but Grace stands in his way.

"Stop relying on your boyfriend so much."

Phil seems to be having a conversation with Chris, Zoe and Louise through facial expressions at this point.

"He's not my boyfriend." You say.

Grace rolls her eyes and lets out a 'tch' noise.

Phil tugs at your arm again, but you stay put.

"Why must you take everything out of context?" You ask Grace.


"I said: why must you take everything out of context?"

"I don't know what you mean by that..."

Just then, Chris, Zoe and Louise came in between you and Grace.

"Y/N, Phil, come on!" Zoe says, grabbing your arm and Phil's arm.

"Hi, I'm Chris. So sorry to interrupt this conversation, but we really must be going." Chris says to the now angered Grace as Louise and Zoe continue to lead you and Phil into the cinema.

Tbh, this chapter wasn't really useful. It was unnecessary. OoPs.
Maybe I should have put this disclaimer at the start of it...
Ah well!
I'm not having a good week so far. Last night, at drama, I forgot all my lines, my face turned red cause it was literally a sauna and I have, like, no friends there. The only person I talk to was gone. Everyone was asking me if a I was okay. I accidentally made an mcr reference. I'm trash, I know.
After I made the reference, I burst out laughing. So many people stared at me in confusion.
I heard a persons parent there listening to 'Victorious' (y'know, by patd) and I almost screamed. It was gr8

WoOps I just realised what I'm doing. Istg this is what I have a spam account for! Why am I complaining on wattpad?!

You all probably hate it when I do this, don't you?

Yeh, I'll just leave...

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