Chapter 47

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Phil's POV

I get to school early, so I wait in the least busy hall for my friends.

While I'm waiting, I begin to scroll through my Twitter feed when I hear someone shout "oi! Gaylester!"

I sigh. This is why I don't come into this hall before school. It's where Josh likes to hang out.

"So, you're back eh?" He walks up to me along with three boys and a new girl.

I just nod my head slowly.

"Where were you?" He asked.

Now that's a question. Don't want to tell him I was kidnapped, he wouldn't believe me anyway.

"Where were you, Gaylester?" Josh repeats. "I missed my favourite punching bag."

"I-Uhh...I was ill." I say quickly.

"I don't believe that for one second, Philly." I feel my entire body stiffen. Philly. That's what Ashley calls me. I hate it. "Let's not mind that. Now..." He pins me against the wall "I haven't had a good practice in a week."

He swings one punch after another at me, landing each and every one of them.

He knees me in the stomach and kicks me in the shin.

I fall to my knees and look up at the smirk on Josh's face.

I put a hand on my bloody nose. Not that sore.
Sure, it's painful, but it was much worse when I was with Ashley. Probably ten times as bad for the others, especially Dan.

I slowly get up off the ground and wipe the blood off of my nose, then turn to walk away.

"Hey! I wasn't done, Gaylester!" Josh shouts.

"I don't care." I mutter, still walking away.

"Get back here. Now."


I hear Josh's steps speed up, so mine do too. Luckily, I've gotten pretty good at running, while Josh is usually able to get
people to him, whereas I have run away from lots of things. Like last night, when I found out I'm moving, I ran away from my house before my parents could attempt to convince me it's a good idea. Of course, the most running I've ever done is away from Ashley. She's fast.

I run down the crowded all, dodging the over chavs in my way, I soon reach Pj, Chris, Zoe, Louise, Joe and Caspar, who have just entered the school.

Josh and his friend, Kalvin, who's Chris' cousin, soon reach us, both of them out of breath.

"Damn. You're fast, Gaylester." Josh says in between breaths.

"Can you please stop calling me that? I'm not gay!" I say.

"Even if he was gay, what's wrong with that?" Chris says.

"Aw Chris, stop supporting the gays. Your mum will be mad. Just leave them alone, it's not like your one." Kalvin says.

Chris looks down at his feet, I notice him glance up at Pj, who now seems angered.

"Alright, just piss off you two. We haven't done anything to you." He says.

"Chris, are you gay?" Kalvin questions, taking a step towards Chris.

"I said piss off, Kalvin." Pj says, stepping between Chris and Kalvin.

"Chris! Are you gay?" Kalvin shouts, trying to push past Pj, but he won't budge. Pj pushes Kalvin to the ground, causing him to fall into a few younger pupils on his way down.

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