CHAPTER 1: An Eventful Night

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Hi guys. This book is fictional so all the characters here have no resemblance to anyone what so ever. Also the cover pics and cover photos are mostly googled so I do not claim or own them except for this banner which was made by my friend. Hope you like and enjoy the book. 😊

This story is based during the eighteenth dynasty that is approximately around 1336 BC. Akhenaten, Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, ruled some thirteen centuries before Christ, in a time and place where government and religion were inextricably intermingled. He felt constricted by the political power of the priest caste, so he "streamlined" religion, announcing that the hundreds of gods worshiped in Egypt were merged into one god, Aten, a sun deity who spoke only to him. He had the names of the old gods, physically removed from monuments, and had all references to gods in the plural replaced with one new god, Aten. Akhenaten's decree is believed to have instituted humanity's first known organized monotheism. In history this did not end well and he was labelled as a 'false prophet'. After his death the old worship was restored but my story doesn't exactly follow it like this.


In the capital city of Amarna, a beautiful baby girl was born one rainy night. A single lamp lit the room where the mother held this precious little thing in her feeble hands and looked up to her husband.

"I want her to be called Neith, so she grows up to be a strong and brave girl just like you. Too bad I won't be able to see that happen," she said with tears in her eyes.

"Please Akila don't say that, you must live. How can a girl do without her mother?" He asked his dying wife as he held back a tear.

She smiled at the man she had loved her entire life and said, "She has you and Ammon, so I don't have to worry. Besides I will watch over her from where ever I am," she said and kissed her baby girl. Tears rolled off her and onto the baby girl's forehead. She shifted a little in her mother's arms and went right back to sleep, not knowing what was happening on this rainy night.

"Ammon, promise me you will look after your sister as a mother would," she asked as she looked at her eight year old son who was a sobbing mess.

"I will, Mother," he said, his voice hoarse and throat dry from crying. This had been the night where the general had lost his wife and a son, his mother. The daughter slept though the thunders, soundly in the arms of her now dead mother and she seemed to be at total ease. The moonstone her mother had put around her seemed to be working it's magic as she lie sleeping soundlessly through the dark night.


"Brother, I challenge you to fight me. Loser gets to cook today's dinner, deal?" Neith asked Ammon as she pointed her wooden sword to him.

"Neith, it's your turn to cook today, no excuses. I'm busy so don't disturb me and go play with your friends," Ammon said as he continued to polish his sword.

"Aww, come on, brother just one match please. It's been a while since we sparred. You've been so busy lately and don't play with me anymore," Neith said with a pout.

Ammon had joined the Royal army awhile ago , but recently was undergoing intense training due to the coronation ceremony of the new Pharaoh which would take place in a few weeks. This was also why their father Adio, the General of the Royal Army, was busier than usual and hardly came home. Thus Neith was left alone most of the time.

Neith was a beautiful girl with copper skin and thick black locks that glowed under the sun. She also had big brown eyes like her mother that captivated anyone who looked into them. She was well built despite her age as she had trained alongside her brother,or as you could say she was his sparing partner at home. Even though she was a still a small girl she was daring and virtuous like her father.

When she would feel lonely which was a lot quite recently, she would touch the moonstone on her neck. It somehow made her feel at ease as she seemed to feel her mother's warmth from it. Since she never meet her mother this was the only thing to remember her by. Hence she treasured it with her life.

Her big brother, Ammon was also strongly built like most men of his age in the army. His iris were a beautiful shade of dark brown which seemed to be a mix of his mother's light brown and his father's almost pitch black eye colour. He also had dark brown curly locks and was around six feet in height.

Neith absolutely loved her big brother but was quite mad at him recently as he didn't dote on her like he used to. Ammon too adored his little sister but she could be quite a handful at times.

He sighed and said, "You know girls aren't supposed to fight, you should learn to behave more like someone your age. Besides what are you going to do learning it anyway?"

"You know why. I want to join the army. Why can't women fight? We are strong, so why should only men fight to save our country? Its not fair," Neith said crossing her hands to her chest.

Ammon smiled and bent down so he could look her in the eye. "We men fight to protect the women and children of our land. So if women and children start running around with swords and fighting battles then who are we protecting? Besides women are needed to take care of the injured and raise the children who will become the backbone of this land. So how about you let us protect you and in turn you provide us with care and love," Ammon said giving Neith a smile.

"Whatever," Neith said, her hands still crossed over her chest trying to look angry.

"I need to go now so behave," Ammon said as he kissed Neith on the forehead and left off on his horse.

"So what if you won't let me spar with you, I'll just have to practise by myself and get stronger so I can protect you one day," Neith said to herself and with that she began training.


Hii guys. So did you like the first chapter? Was it good, was it bad? Any places I need to improve? Please leave a comment and let me know.

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Hope you guys have an amazing and awesome day. Love ya!!! ❤❤

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