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Hope you guys like the song 😍😍❤❤.

Neith's Pov

It has been about two days since I had been kidnapped. The captain was right, no soldier's came here. Actually there was no gossip of the Queen gone missing which is strange. Did Aahoptep know I was gone? I shook my head of such irrelevant thoughts. Of course he would know, he probably made sure to keep things quite for my safety.

I was in the kitchen preparing lunch for the kidnappers. Its not that they tortured me to do the chores more like the other way round. Non of these grown up baboons have any idea of how to cut a carrot let alone cook a full meal, so I asked if I could do it instead. I mean this better than meat that is burnt beyond recognition or soup that tastes like a crow's vomit.

But there was also a secret agenda behind doing this. For the two days I stayed here I have noticed two very important things which will aid in my escape.

One: The men who guard the place are extremely stupid. They only care about a good night sleep and a good meal which I have been providing. So they wont be much if a problem to me. But the captain in a whole new level. He is a fox, sly, manipulative and smart. Without him this group would have been a long lost cause.

Two: They keep the sedative they gave me in the next tent.

Using this information I have forged an escape plan. Its simple and if executed properly I could get out of here by tonight. But if I get caught then surely I'll be stuck here for God knows how long.

I let out a huge sigh. I finally finished preparing the duck.

"That looks delicious," came a voice.

I turned around and saw the captain standing, more like leaning on a near by wall.

"It is,"I said looking content with myself. For lunch I had prepared four ducks dressed in a herb sauce. Along with this I prepared a soup consisting of vegetables. I brought five loafs of bread and some plum wine. Pretty extravagant. All to earn their trust well on food at least.

With the help of one of the other guard I brought the food into the hall. All of the men gather to have a meal so the other guards should be coming in soon.

Man 1: "It smells so good."

Man 2: "True, better than the cow shit stew we had the other day," he says with a laugh.

I smiled a little. Even though I was held captive they have always given me my space. They never tried to make me feel awkward or in any way uncomfortable and they always thanked me for the food they ate. This somehow made me feel a little sad since my plan had something to do with spiking their food with sedative.

The rest gathered in about five minutes and we all sat down. Their eyes sparkled with awe as they stared at the food placed in front of them.

"Alright lets start. Dig in," the captain ordered. And before he could reach the end of his sentence all hell broke loose as ten hungry men grabbed onto whatever food was near to them. It was really funny to watch and I broke into a fit of giggles. No one seemed to notice though, well except the captain of course. He gave me a grin and dived in.

Midway though I pretended to touch my moonstone which is supposed to be missing. I had placed the stone in the next room in the morning while I had gone over to give them some refreshment drinks.

"My moonstone.... Its... Missing," I say freaking out.

"It will be around here somewhere," the captain said calmly as he sipped on the plum wine.

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