Chapter 44:Broken and a Smile

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Hope u guys enjoy the song I picked out. I was just browsing YouTube and came across this song. Its really beautiful and I hope u enjoy it as much as I did 😊💟.

Neith's Pov

The cold breeze of the night brushes past me leaving small goosebumps on my skin. The crescent shaped moon provide a ray of silver light that illuminated the small garden. I looked up to see a few stars that seemed lost, just like I was. I was lying on the soft grass and just stared at the night sky.

I felt nothing, nothing at all. I didn't feel sad or angry. I didn't feel frightened or bewildered. I felt nothing, just empty. I wonder if that's a way my mind is shielding me from the pain I would soon experience.

After I had found out that my brother was actually telling the truth I took the letter to Abu. I gave it to him and he seemed to be quite concerned. After a while I heard that there was a massacre where ten Nobels were killed, their throats were slit and two more stabbed. Ammon was among them. He was rushed to the swnw immediately. They were able to save his life as he was not stabbed in any of the vital organs. But the swnw said that he might not wake up as he was in some kind of sleep trance. Ammon had believed he was dead and if he continues to believe that he might never wake up.

Abu and I knew that it was Ammon who had done this but we kept that hidden. We didn't want the Kings of the neighbouring kingdoms to know of the internal conflicts that were occurring so we made up a story to cover up this mess.

"So you were here. I was searching for you," came a familiar voice. I turned my head to the side and saw Abu make his way towards me.

"Oh, is there something you need me to do?" I asked as I sat up. Abu sat next to me.

"No, your Highness. I just thought you might be hungry so I bought an apple for you," he said as he took out a red apple and gave it to me.

"Thank you Abu but I'm not hungry," I said giving him a tight smile.

"Nonsense. I'm sure you haven't had anything since the afternoon. Its just one apple I'm sure you can eat this," Abu insisted. I didn't say anything and took the apple. I took bite and even though it tasted delicious I didn't care.

"How are you holding up your Highness," Abu asked looking concerned.

"Abu can you call me Neith instead?" I asked. I really didn't like being called that especially right now.

"Alright. So how are you handling the recent information and situation?" Abu asked again.

"Let me see. I had been held hostage for nearly three day before I escaped and when I got here after riding for three more day with little to no sleep I find Aahotep faint and the swnw said he would be paralysed for a while. Then I somehow convince the Kings of the Neighbouring lands to sign the peace treaty but end up having to fight King Omar's guards. I find out an entire army is headed towards Egypt for war. To top it off my brother happens to be a spy and is now in the hospital battling for his life while my best friend Anka is unconscious from shock. Ohh and my mother in law is working with the rebels. So no I'm not fine at all," I replied. I think being sleep derived for nearly four days made me a little on edge.

Abu sighed and looked towards the sky, "Probably a stupid question to ask."

We both sat in silence and although I would have preferred to be alone I didn't mind the company.

"Your H.... Um Neith, do you have any sort of plan. You know that we will be headed for war soon and seeing as the General of the army and the Pharaoh are not in a position to make any decisions you need to make one on their behalf. I know its a difficult time for you but if you don't do anything then whatever your father and Aahotep have worked for would go to waste and Egypt might fall," Abu said seriously.

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