CHAPTER TEN: Finding the Truth

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Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people.

- Carl Jung

Hope you guys like the song. Its one of my favourites and go to songs.😍

Neith's Pov

The breeze blew by, making my hair gently graze my face. It was one of those pleasant evenings that make you all lazy and comfortable doing nothing.

I was sitting under a tree, staring into the beautiful blue sky that was painted in shades of orange and red with a hint of gold. The clouds as white as soft cotton floated in the air with ease adding another layer to this beautifully breathtaking view.

I wished I could take a nap on them. Feel the softness of the cloud on my cheek and letting the wind carry me to some magical place where I would forget about everything.

I sighed, it had been a week since I started my investigation and I seemed to be getting no where. Whomever I asked said the same thing I already knew, that he died from a heart problem. When asked how they knew about the it they would mention someones name. Non of them said that they knew personally that he was suffering from a weak heart. I found that a little suspicious.

Maybe he didn't want anyone to know since he was the General? Maybe he really did die because of his weak heart?

Of course I didn't tell Ammon about my investigation. He would probably give me a huge lecture on it. Lucky for me he was too busy to notice.

Ammon had taken over father's place in the army. He became the General a few days back. At the age of twenty, he was the youngest General in the history of Egypt. The council and the Pharaoh made the decision to pick him.

I was so proud of him. I was sure he would be a great General even if he was so young and make everyone acknowledge him. But I didn't feel like he was too happy about it. I mean if the situation was reversed I don't think I would have been happy taking dad's place right after his death either, not immediately at least.

I hadn't practiced or trained since dad's death. It just didn't feel right anymore. Father would always complain about how I was so much like a son that he might forget he had a daughter. But I knew he was proud of me. He knew how much I wanted to join the royal army and not once did he discourage me from following my dream even though everyone else said it was a hopeless cause. He said I could be whatever I wanted. That's probably one of the reasons I never gave up.

I needed to start getting back at it. I couldn't let his support go to waste. Maybe I should start tomorrow or the day after? I let out a deep sigh. Why did dad have to leave us so soon?

I just sat under the tree till the sun sank into the ground. Sunsets always seemed to calmed me. Maybe it was because the view was so breath taking or that I could see all of the beauty life seemed to offer at that time. Whatever it was sunsets always seemed to brighten my mood, even if it was just for a few moments.

I returned home a little after the moon was up in the night sky. While preparing dinner my mind wandered.

What should I do? Should I just give up? Was I really imagining things like Ammon said I was?

I was lost in thought when I heard a loud thud. I was jerked back to the real world. Before I could recover I heard Ammon's voice.

"Neith! Where are you?" he yelled so loud, I stood frozen in my tracks. Why did he yell so loudly? I came back to my senses and made my way out of the kitchen and saw him glaring at me. He seemed furious.

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