Chapter 43:Confrontation

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Guilt is probably the most painful companion of death.

-Coco Channel.

Hope you guys enjoy the song. Its really beautiful 💞.

Ammon's Pov

I sat on the deserted banks of the Nile looking ahead into the shimmering water as I threw tiny pebbles and watched them skid across the surface leaving small ripples in its awake. Dressed in a worn out cotton top and equally worn out bottom with a ragged cloak I looked more like a peasant than a General. I took in the warm evening breeze and my thoughts started to drift.

I wondered if Neith had found the note I left behind. I knew she would be the one to find it as she would have been searching for me. I wanted to address a note to her as I did for Anka but it was just too painful to write. What would I say? That I was a coward who did nothing but obey the orders I was given. That her big brother who she looked up to was a spy. That he was responsible for father's death. I just couldn't bring myself to write such a letter. I know it was too much to hope for but I sincerely wished she would forgive me someday for my actions when she found out.

A faint sound of footsteps, making a light crunching sound beneath the sand made me turn around. A deep frown made its way to my brow.

"Weren't we supposed to meet after sundown?" I asked looking at the murderer who had stabbed my father right through his heart with no effort and felt no guilt for doing so. The man my father had trusted dearly, the man I once looked up to but now despised from the very bottom of my heart, Jabari.

"All of them have managed to make it a bit early given the situation. They asked me to fetch you." Jabari said, his voice low.

I looked at him, my eyes filled with hatred but that didn't seem to bother him one bit. I stood up and dusted my pants while he went his way. We would both make our way to the hideout but not together to avoid suspicion. I walked to towards the market while he took a route down the nearest ally.

I knew I was in trouble. I was supposed to have killed Aahotep by now. Hopefully they'll buy the excuse I give one last time.

As I was making my way through the market my eyes fell on a charm bracelet. All kinds of animal figures where combined into a leather strap. Anka had wanted one of these but fussed over how it was overpriced. I shook my head as I smiled fondly. She really was quite a handful at times.

I hope Anka was doing alright. I made Anka fall for me as a revenge plan to get back at Jabari. I knew he loved his daughter dearly and I wanted to use her as leverage. Little did I know that she would be the one to steal my heart or what was left of it anyway. Her warm smile could do that to any man. Even ones as broken as me. I said a small prayer to Aten hoping he will keep both Anka and Neith safe.

I went through a few alleys before I stopped at a small worn out house. I knocked on the door three times and gave it a soft kick. After a few seconds I could hear bolts unlocking and the door opened with a creak. A familiar face smiled at me.

"Ah Ammon glad you could make it," Bes said as he took my cloak.

Bes was the guy who did everything for the Nobels. From standing guard at these meeting to assassination, he did them all and he was the best at almost everything. Too bad people would never believe that this guy took down almost twenty men unarmed.

The reason why nobody would believe it was because he was, well over forty for starters. His small and weak frame made him look like he was in his early fifties. His look always made people think he was an old sick man. But if you saw the way he fought you would probably think you have gone mad rather than believe that a man like him possessed such skill.

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