Special chapter Three

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There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy.


Hey guys I'm back with another special chapter since Neith is coming to an end *sobs*. After the previous emotional chapter, I thought to do a fun chap next to brighten the mood 😁.

This chap will be slightly different as it is an AU based in modern time. I'm really excited about this 😆😆. Hope you guys enjoy it ❤❤.


"Neith, where are you?" Anka shouted as she searched for her ten year old daughter.

"Maybe she is hiding in the closet," Ammon said and he headed towards the chocolate brown wooden closet situated at the far end of their room.

"Here she is," Ammon said picking up his dirty daughter who happened to been covered in mud and had a few twigs entangled in her coal coloured hair.

"Ah! Put me down papa. I don't want to take a bath," Neith said banging her fists into her father's chest, trying to get away.

"Then why did you jump into the puddles and then run straight into the bush after seeing me. Look at you, you're covered in mud and leaves," Ammon said trying to rub some of the mud that stained her rosy cheeks.  

Anka stood by silently, smiling at the two while she touched her swollen belly. Her heart always seemed to swell at the sight of the duo. The two people whom she cherished more than life itself.

Ammon took Neith to have a bath but ended up taking one himself as Neith managed to drench him completely. After the bath Ammon put Neith to bed and read her a story as he did so most nights.

"And that's how the ants drove away the mean grasshoppers from their land," Ammon said softly, closing the story book and putting it aside. He then kissed his sleeping daughter on the forehead and tip toed out of the room.

"You look exhausted," Anka said giggling as she leaned back against the door frame looking at her husband who had collapsed on the bed, his arms and legs spread out.

"Neith is finally asleep," Ammon said with relief.

"But I thought you loved playing with her." Anka said in a teasing tone. Ammon was clumsy and Neith always seemed to get the better of him. It was so funny to watch them and it was hard not to fall further in love with the man she wedded and the daughter she adored.

"I do, and Neith is my little princess but man she can be a handful at times um.... well most of the time and although I love her more than the world itself putting her to sleep is such a relief.  You're truly amazing for managing her all day," Ammon said still lying on the bed.

"Well it's true, I'm pretty amazing," Anka said flipping her hair. Ammon chuckled at this and Anka smiled walking towards him.

"Um... so how is our Johnny doing," Ammon asked stoking Anka's swollen belly.

"He's doing fine. He doesn't kick as much as he used to though," Anka said placing her hand on his.

"Seems like he'll become an excellent footballer when he grows up, just like his dad," Ammon said with pride as he placed a soft kiss on her belly.

"Puff... I hope not. You played a few sessions and quit to become a lawyer. When was the last time you kicked a ball?" Anka said rolling her eyes.

"Hey! We still won the Cup and you kissed me right in the middle of the field remember," Ammon said looking like a wounded animal.

"You only won the cup cause I was cheering you on," Anka said with a straight face.

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