Chapter 46: A New Identity

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"Remember that everything is worth fighting for."

~ Neith.

Hope you guys enjoy the piece of music I have put up. Its really beautiful 😻❤.

Neith's Pov

I took a look in the mirror. The person standing in front of me looks very different, almost like a completely new person.

My once long black hair was now short and reached the mid section of my neck like all soldiers wore. A brown linen top along with the same colour wrap-around skirt almost reached my knees. I looked like a man and to be honest I liked this new look. The only thing that remained the same was the big brown eyes looking back at me with confidence. I was ready. I knew it in my heart and in my soul.

A soft knock on the door made me turn to find a worried pair of eyes looking at me. I smiled widely but it was quickly replaced by a small frown.

"Anka, you look so weak. Have you been skipping your meals?" I asked looking at her. She looked so fragile that a small gust of wind could probably blow her right off the ground. There were dark circles under her eyes indicating she hardly slept. Anka had woken up three days ago, the same day as Aahotep did.

"Yes, I have. I'm just a little tired that's all. You look completely different," Anka said quickly changing the topic as she sat on the bed.

I knew she was lying. She hardly touched any food these days. Its hard to believe that the girl before me was my best friend. She was always so cheerful and happy but now I hadn't seen her smile since she woke up.

The death of her father took quite a toll on her not to mention the person behind it. She completely broke down when she read Ammon's letter again and I couldn't do anything but just hold her and watch. I wish I could have stayed back and looked after her. Right now she needed me the most but I was abandoning her.

"Well I have to. I can't have anyone finding out who I really am," I said as I took a seat next to her.

"Neith I...." Anka started but I intervened.

"Anka please, don't say I shouldn't go. You know I have to do this. I can not let Egypt fall without a fight. Your my best friend. I need your blessings and I don't want us to have any differences before I leave. Please Anka," I begged. My voice was an octave higher. I needed her support in this or else how was I supposed to just leave?

"All I was going to say was come back home safely. I know you need to do this and I will support your decision although I don't really like the idea. I can't lose you too. I won't survive it. So promise me you will come back," Anka asked with fear in her eyes which was mixed with sorrow.

"I promise and you must promise me that you will stay strong for the both of us," I said looking at her. She nodded. I could see tears forming in her eyes but she held them back. She knew very well that if she cried so would I and right now we both couldn't afoord to lose ourselves.

"Alright you better get going. I'm sure Aahotep is eager to see your new look," Anka said getting up quickly. I knew she was trying her best not to break and it pained me so much to see her in this state. I was abandoning my best friend at a time when she needed my support the most. The guilt I felt was so great for a second I was a little hesitant with the plan.

No, I had to do this for her sake as well.

We both walked to the other end of the corridor where Aahotep's room was situated. Anka said she would remain outside so I entered in alone.

"Aahotep had his face buried inside a book. His back rested against a pile of soft cushions. He hasn't noticed I entered. My first thought was to sneak up to him and give him a scare but I quickly decided against it. Now wasn't the time for childish games, so instead I cleared my throat to indicate my presence.

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