Chapter 52: End part 1

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"You know that the end signals a new beginning, right?"


Hope you guys enjoy the music 😊❤

Aahotep's Pov

Anxious, that was what I felt as I gazed out into the lush rose garden below. The noon sun hit the delicate petals making them reflect their vibrate colours, painting a picture that was more glorious than the ones that sat on frames.

I was happy that I was finally going to see the women that had been pulling my heart strings after fourteen days but I also felt like something wasn't quite right, that maybe something had happened to Neith.

I was probably just over thinking everything, I thought as I shook my head but something within me didn't quite believe that. A knock on the door brought me out of my worried thoughts.

"Come in," I said a little too cheerfully hoping it was Neith but my smile fell as I saw Abu enter the room.

"Your Highness," Abu said as he bowed slightly. He looked like a skeleton that had come alive. His eyes seemed to be sucked in and the outer rims looked like he had painted them with black eye paste.

"Abu, you don't look too well. Have you been eating?" I asked with a frown.

"Yes Sire, I have. But you look a lot worse. Have been sleeping Sire?" Abu asked looking worried.

"How could I?" I said, sighing.

So much had happened in the last week I didn't know how to deal with everything. The Kings and Queens of the neighbouring lands had left a couple of days back, congratulating us on our victory and told me that everything would move along peacefully now. If only it were that simple.

I still had something I was dreading to face. Something that kept me awake all these nights. Something that made it hard for me to swallow my food or even water. Something that might kill me inside if I continue to look into it.

"It's going to be fine your Highness," Abu said bringing me out of my miserable thoughts.

"I don't think it will be. She is my mother after all," I said trying to hold back the tears that threaten to fall. I looked away hoping the clear blue skies could help me heal the pain that seemed to have sunken deep within my soul.

Abu said no more. He just cupped his hand over mine, sending a bit of warmth to my cold skin.


"Aahotep!" Neith screamed as she speed walked towards me, a broad smile lit up her face and seemed to take up half her face. I smiled just as wide and before I could get a word out I got crushed as she gave me a life threatening hug.

"Ouch!" She said breaking the hug immediately as she winced in pain and stepped back, holding her left side. A frown immediately formed on my brow.

"Why you holding your hip? Did you get injured?" I asked as I tried to move closer but my chair seemed to restrict my movement.

"What! No, I um.. I just walked into a beam on my way here so..." Neith trailed off, completely avoiding eye contact. That liar.

"Neith..." I said in a demanding tone. She seemed to be hiding the pain she felt. According to the letters I received Neith was never injured in any way or so they said.

"It's nothing really," Neith said, her eyes still didn't look at mine. Now I was getting mad.

"Fine, I'll just ask Baako," I said and started pushing the wheels of my chair.

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