Chapter 48:More Complications

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Disappointments are just God's way of saying "I've got something better." Be patient, have faith and trust God.


Hope you guys enjoy the music 😊❤

Neith's Pov

The wind blew past me in a rush as I rode my horse, Zen as fast as I could.

Come on faster, I rushed Zen. It was a cloudy night so the moonlight didn't provide an illuminated path. But I couldn't stop. I had to get to him. I had too for the sake of this war. If he managed to reach the Hittites camp before I got to him then I just sent twenty one men to their immediate deaths and our plans will collapse.

Twenty eight hours ago

"We made it," I said beaming at Baako who as usual remained stone faced, but I didn't care. We made it to the fourth cataract in time and it gave me hope that we might actually be successful in winning this war.

The rest of the day was spent on setting up camp and the troops spent some time training and stretching.

Non of the troops had an idea of the actual plan in case there were spies among the troops. They were told that we would encounter the Hittites army head on.

At nightfall all the Liwaas had gathered up inside my tent for the execution of part one of the plan,the sabotage.

"So we leave for the enemy camp when the moon is high up tonight. We will be able to reach a little after sunset the next day and we can commence the operation using the cover of the darkness. This is the list of recruits we will be taking with us," Darius said as he handed me a list that contained ten names.

All the Liwaas had hand picked a single solider under their command who they thought would be fit for the operation. Apart from these twenty men Baako would tag along just to keep an eye on things in case anything went southwards. Apart from these people no one else knew of the plan.

"Alright, I wish you all good luck. Remember your victory is the key to winning this war. Please keep that in mind and I hope that all of you return back safely," I said looking at them. A few nodded and a few didn't.

More than half the men in the room didn't think I was fit to lead them but no one seemed to mouth it out. Hopefully by the end of all this I could win them over with my charms or perhaps lack of them.

"Remember to go on regular rounds and keep an eye out for anything suspicious," Baako said once everybody left the tent to go get ready.

"Yes, I will be sure to keep an eye out. You take care of yourself too," I said with a small smile. Even though Baako didn't talk very much and we hardly knew each other, I had grown fond of the man and I hoped he and everyone else would be alright.

"Take care and keep out of trouble," Baako said and left to go get ready himself. I think I saw a small smile creep up on that cold face and I smiled. I guess I was growing on him too.

After the small troop had departed I made my way back to my tent. As I looked around my eyes feel on the horses that were kept in the open stables. I turned and headed in their direction so I could pet a few horses.

"Hi, Zen," I said petting my horse. He was a brown and white destrier. He gently nudged me as I stroked his mane.

"Do you think he would make it?" I heard someone whisper. It seemed to be coming from the other side of the stable.

"I hope he does, if our soldiers are successful in the sabotage then Egypt's change of success would increase and that means bad news for us. I hope he warns the Hittites army in time," another voice responded.

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