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Nothing is more beautiful than the smile that has struggled through the tears.

- Demi Lovato.

Hope you guys love this song. 😍

Neith's Pov

The cold morning breeze brushed past my skin making the hair on my back stand up. I was surrounded by two maids. One was doing my hair, the other  was applying a light turquoise eye paste on me. The third maid was taking out my dress. Non of them spoke making me feel even more uncomfortable in this lavish room.

I stared out of the enormous windows that seemed to take up an entire wall and overlooked the horizon. The warm rays of the sun peaking out of the grayish clouds and the sweet chirping of the birds outside did little to warm my heart.

I could also hear the faint sound of footsteps and all the other noises coming from the palace. Guess the preparations for the wedding weren't over yet.

I let out a sigh. I really did not want to go through with this. I had planned to run away so many times but my conscious won't let me. Why did father teach me about useless things such as honor and righteousness? It's all his fault I'm stuck in this mess. I resisted the urge to stomp my foot. Didn't want these women to take another hour if I messed up my makeup or hair.

After my encounter with Aahotep my brother won't even look at me let alone talk to me. It had been a month yet he hadn't said a single word about any of it. I felt betrayed, angry, and annoyed. These were the only emotions I seemed to feel the past couple of weeks.

It wasn't entirely my fault that I got into this mess. He was the one who drove me to this. How could he ignore his sister knowing what I was going through. Did he care at all? Would he even come to my wedding?

Even though this marriage was against my will I would be devastated if he didn't come. He couldn't possibly to that angry, right?

As I was lost in thought, the maids doing my makeup and hair finished and asked me to get into my wedding dress. I hated wearing things like this. I always find it difficult to walk or even move freely. They were all itchy and too breezy for my taste. But what I liked didn't matter now anyway.

I was pretty sure Anka would've loved it. I mean this was totally her kind of thing. The dress was a very light shade of blue. It was made of some kind of thin material like silk that seemed to flow like water. Not itchy at all. It had plaited knots around the waist. The neckline was slightly deep which annoyed me a little. A thick gold chain hung around my neck, it's cold base made me slightly shiver upon contact. All in all it was a simple dress with the most minimal accessories. I had to plead to make Aahotep agree to it.

Speaking of Aahotep, he was more of a pain than I thought he would be. He never considered me into anything. The whole thing had to be done by him. Every detail had to be of his taste. Like the previous wedding dress he had got. When I saw it for the first time my eyes almost popped out. It had so many precious stones embedded into it that it was too heavy to even lift up. I had to plead with him to get a simpler one which took most of my life force.

He even forced me to move into the palace the next day after we made the deal. Again I had to beg him into giving me at least three days to do so. I prayed to Aten everyday to give me the strength not to punch him in the face.

When the maids finished putting on the final touches, I looked into the full length mirror. My jaw slightly dropped as I saw my reflection.

My hair was put up into a loose bun and a few strands hung loose. The turquoise eye paste made my brown eyes look even bigger. The floor length dress made me look like a women for the first time in my life. Not bad I thought. I still couldn't believe what I saw. I mean I was generally covered in sweat and mud but today I looked like a proper lady. The door opened with a slight creak and from the reflection I saw Anka walking in.

I turned around and she stopped dead in her tracks. She looked at me from head to toe a few times before squealing and ran to give me a hug.

''You look so amazing. I always doubted if you really were a woman but today I for sure know you are,'' she said, breaking the hug. I elbowed her in the gut and shook my head.

''Ow that hurt,'' she said placing her hand over the place I elbowed and acting to be in severe pain.

"Well you deserved that,'' I say, poking out my tongue. Anka has been the only person in my life who hadn't changed. When she heard about what happened with Aahotep she didn't scold me or give me a lecture. Instead she made me her signature lamb meat with herbs and some honey milk and asked if I was okay.

Taking a bite of that lamb made me forget all the problems I had for a while. She always knew what I needed the most.

She always visited as often as she could when I moved to the palace. She was the only person who kept me sane and I loved her so much for all that she had done. She was the one person who seemed to keep me from drowning completely.

She stuck her tongue back at me and I proceeded to do the same. We both then cracked up laughing.

''So do you think Ammon will come today,'' she asks nervously.

''I don't know,'' I say, looking down. I wished he would since he is the only family I had left.

''Well I think he would come. He wouldn't miss his little sister's wedding for the world, even if he was super angry with you,'' Anka said with a smile. I smiled back weakly. I hope she was right.

We spoke for a while before I was dragged to the royal boat to head for the sacred temple.

The journey was boring but luckily it only took about twenty minutes to arrive.

I arrived at the temple and almost immediately rushed into the the inner sanctuary. I clenched my fists to calm myself from punching the maids who were dragging me.

As we entered the inner sanctuary, my mouth dropped to the floor. I stood still gaping at the place, totally mind blown at the beauty of it.

The ox blood colored walls were in-scripted with gold writings. There were drawings of Aten in various forms and the place was painted in beautiful colors. The ceilings were so high my neck ached just looking at it. At the end a huge round stone stood slanted against the back wall. It had many inscriptions on it, most of which were too small to read from the distance I was standing. A ray of beam focused on the stone that came from a carved hole at the top of the temple wall.

The maids continued to drag me and this time I let them. I was still a little awestruck. When I finally broke out of it I saw Aahotep. Even though I was so angry at him, right then I forgot it all for a second.

He stood there, his piercing emerald eyes on me. He wore a white loose linen calasiris (pants) paired with a dark blue cotton top. I guess it was to match my dress. His crown was placed at the side, leaving his head bear without it. He wore a couple of rings around his fingers and a long gold chain. He looked powerful. I had forgotten that he was the Pharaoh who ruled all of Egypt. I swallowed hard. He intimidated me, but I wouldn't let him know that. With my head held high I walked and stood next to him. Hopefully he couldn't see how scared I really was.

This was it. I was finally going to marry the gaint pain in the ass.


Yay for an early update 😁😉. I had a bit of free time so I thought it would be fun to update a new chapter.

So they're finally going to get married. Will Ammon show up to the wedding? Will he ever speak to Neith? Well tune it to find out.

So if you guys liked this chapter please do vote 👍, share and comment.

Hope you guys have a great day. 😊✌

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