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Success consists of doing the common things of life uncommonly well.

- Unknown.

Hope you guys enjoy the song 😊.

Aahotep's Pov

I jog down a moonlit path near the palace outer walls. Its been more than an hour and my muscles ache from the sourness. But I can't stop. Not when I have so much angry inside.

Its been five whole days since Neith went missing and there has been no progress in finding her. The meeting to sign the treaty will be held at noon tomorrow and I have to make a decision since I have run out of time. The problem was I can't come to a conclusion.

This treaty was my father's dream and Adio's. If I cancel it then that dream will be forever lost. War would still rage on and many will die. On the other hand if I do go forward with it then Neith dies and the promise I made with Adio will be broken.

My legs give out underneath me and I fall face first into the ground. I spit out the sand and roll over so my back is on the ground. I just lay there and take in deep breaths to calm my beating heart. I honestly didn't know what to do. How can I let the woman I love get killed? But as a ruler I need to think of my people. One womans' life for them. I look up at the stars. A tear runs loose.

"Please Aten, help me save them both. I can't loose Neith nor can I sabatoge the treaty. I beg of you please help me." I pray.

"Aahotep? Are you ok?" a voice yells. I turn my head to the side and see the outline of somebody run towards me.

"Yes, I'm fine Ammon. Don't look so worried. Just taking a small breather," I say looking at Ammon who seems a bit too pale. I try to get up but my feet are as rigid as lime stones and I end up falling on my butt. Damn that hurt.

"Let me help you," Ammon says as he helps me up and puts my arm around him.

"How did you find me?" I asked Ammon as we started to head back.

"I have been searching for you since sunset," Ammon said holding me firmly so I don't loose my balance.

"Did you find Neith?" I asked eagerly. Maybe Aten finally came through.

Ammon's face fell and I knew the answer before it left his lips. "No, we are still looking for her."

"Then why were you searching for me?" I asked disheartened.

"I wanted to ask you what your decision was," Ammon said.

"Well I'm sorry to say this but I haven't decided yet," I say. I couldn't bring myself to look at Ammon.

"What do you think I should do?" I ask Ammon.

"I can't say. I don't have the right to anyway," Ammon says. Neither of us making eye contact.

"I'm only asking for an opinion Ammon," I say.

"Then I feel that you need to cancel tomorrow's event," Ammon says without hesitation.

"But then the wars won't stop and a lot of blood will be shed," I say a little shocked. I know Neith is his sister but for him to not even consider both sides to this is a bit shocking.

"The treaty can be signed some other time maybe not as soon as we hoped but it can be done. If you do sign it then Neith will die and that is not something that can be undone." Ammon says.

"The treaty will fall apart. If I back away now then non of them will trust me to do it again. They will take it as an insult and might even rage war at the moment," I say.

"You asked for my opinion. So I gave it. I know what the stake is but to me my sister's life is more important. I'm sorry if I said anything offensive but I stand by what I said" Ammon said firmly. I knew how he felt and his reasons are valid which is why I said nothing more. The rest of the walk was done in silence as neither of us could really say anything.


Almost noon the next day.

Still in Aahotep's Pov

"This is a good day to hold the ceremony. The weather is lovely," said Kanadake. She was one of the wife's of Taharqa. Taharqa was the ruler of Nubia which is situated in the southern region.

"Yes, it is," I say with a smile. All of the neighbouring kingdoms have come even the Hittites. If I had canceled this then I would make a lot of powerful people very angry.

"Where is your lovely wife. Neith is it?" Kandake asks. My face falls for a second but I manage to regain my composure.

"Yes, it is. My wife isn't well so she is resting in her room," I say.

"Oh dear, will she be alright? Its nothing serious, is it?" Kandake asks looking worried.

"Its nothing to worry about. She will be fine in a few days," I said with a reassuring smile.

I spot Ammon coming towards me. He seems a bit worried. He probably blames himself for this like he blames himself for his father's death. I sign, he really need to stop doing that.

"Its time to sign the treaty. All of the kings have gathered in the study room," Ammon whispers into my ear.

"Excuse me Kandake, I have to go now. Please do make yourself comfortable," I say beforw leaving.

"Are you sure you want to do this," Ammon asks as we move through the crowd.

"Its the only way I can save Neith as well as this country," I answer back.

"Its a bit too risky. You could die," Ammon whispers. I could see the small frown of concern in his eyes.

"It worth the risk," I respond just as we stop in front of the study room door.

"I'm sorry. This is my fault. If only I had found Neith then..." Ammon starts to say but I stop him.

"This isn't your fault. I believe in you. Hopefully I can buy you enough time to find her," I say giving Ammon a pat on his shoulder.

I enter the study hall. A half dozen eyes turn to face me. I swallow hard. The power in this room terrifies me a little but I walk in with confidence.

"Thank you all for coming here today. Its really an honor to have all of you here in my humble adobe. Today we will be making history as we will take the first step to making our lands a peaceful place. It bring me great pleasure that I be making this peace treaty with you all. Hopefully this new alliance will last till our lands stand," I say with as much courage as I could muster. Everybody claps and say wonderful things about how this could impact the younger generation. A few even crack a couple of jokes. I smile and laugh. This should have been the best day of my life but instead it might be my last.

"Before we begin I would like all of us to have a drink to celebrate this moment," I say and direct the drinks to be handed out. Ammon brings me my drink.

"To peace," I say and the other chant the same. I take a huge sip from mine and so do the rest all having huge smiles on their faces. Just then the doors swing open revelling a figure covered in mud all over.

My eyes widened as I realised who it was. But before I could say anything the room seemed to spin at an alarming rate and before I knew it I fell to the ground. I had to see the figure once again to confirm if it was who I saw or if I was just hallucinating.

Ammon was by my side in a second and so was the figure. I smiled and touched her face.

"Neith what happ.." before I could finish I was dragged into a pit of darkness. The last thing on my mind being why Neith was covered in so much mud?


Sorry guys for the late update 😅😅. Seems like I keep saying this a lot lately. Its just a little hectic with collage. Anywho hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. This was not my original scene but when I was typing this chapter I just got the Idea and thought to give it a swing. So hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Do leave a comment to let me know😊.

Hope you guys have an amazing day. Love you all 😘😘❤❤.

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