Chapter 47: A New Journey

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And suddenly you know..... It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.


Hope you guys enjoy the musical piece. Its awesome 😍❤❤

Neith's Pov

The cool breeze hit my face making me blush slightly. Thankfully my hair was short and did not fall on my face. The blue skies matched well with the the dark blue water below. The sails were up and we were soaring at a good speed. At the rate we were moving I was sure we would reach the forth cataract in less than two days.

I absolutely enjoyed sailing. It gave me the feeling of flying and it also made me forget about everything for a while atleast.

I was brought back to the present when someone cleared their throat. I turned to look and gave Baako a wide grin.

"I just love sailing, don't you," I said beaming at him.

"Yes," was all he said. My grin dropped a bit.

"So what is it you need me for?" I asked trying to sound formal. What I learnt about Baako was that he was always formal and stiff. He never spoke unless it was needed nor did he show any other kind of emotion. He was like a mummy who was mad for being awoken from him slumber. No wonder Aahotep choose him.

"Its time to discuss the plan with the Liwaas (majors). They are all waiting for you in the cabin," Baako said.

"Oh, um.. right the plan. Ok lets go," I stuttered. Baako didn't look too happy about that.

"You do remember it right?" Baako asked eyeing me.

"Of course. Now lets get going. Can't keep the Liwaas waiting for too long," I said and without waiting for Baako as I made my way to the cabin which was situated below the deck. A second later he was beside me.

I really hated the plan and I had my mind set on doing the exact opposite of what Aahotep said before I knew Baako was coming along. Guess Aahotep knew I couldn't be trusted to do as I was told. As much as it angered me it also made me smile a bit. So guess he knew me all to well. We came to a halt before a wooden door.

"Stick to the plan. Nothing more," Baako warned, well it sounded more like a threat than a warning.

I opened the door and in front of me stood ten men. They all stopped their discussion and turned to look at me. Their eyes hard and faces deprived of any emotion, just like Baako. I swallowed hard. The intensity in this room was suffocating.

"So you're the one who is going to lead the army instead of Ammon?" one of them asked.

"Yes, Asim I am his replacement," I said looking at him in the eye. I knew all their names and their background as well. Aahotep made me read up on them so I wouldn't be blank or look like a lost puppy and right now I was thankful I did.

"Has the Pharaoh lost his mind? How could he ask this boy here to lead the army? He doesn't look a day older than sixteen," another man named Ubaid said looking at me like I didn't belong here. The others whispered and nodded in agreement.

I took a deep breath to settle my nerves and heart. They were technically right. I was way too young to lead an army to war. So if I was going to make them believe I was capable I had to show it.

"I hope you're all done yapping. Can we get on to discussing strategies?" I said looking like I was bored.

"And has a major attitude problem too," Asim said giving me a glare.

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