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"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination."

- Albert Einstein.

I have always loved Einstein, do you? If you do, leave a comment and let me know 😍❤.

Hope you guys like the song ❤. PS what's your favourite song?


I was sitting next to Aahotep, holding his cold hand as the royal swnw(doctor) was checking him. They tell me that he was poisoned.

"Neith, you need to go clean yourself up. You're covered in so much mud." Ammon said entering the room.

"I'm not leaving his side," I said firmly not bothering to look up. Please wake up, please I prayed. Aahotep seemed too pale. He looked so weak and fragile I was beginning to worry.

"He is not in any sort of life danger right now but he will be paralysed for a while. I can't say how long though. Thank Aten he didn't drink the whole glass or else he wouldn't have survived. But he won't be waking up anytime soon so I suggest your royal highness to please rest up," the swnw said as he gave me a small smile.

"Neith please listen. You need to rest," Ammon said, more persistent this time.

"How did this happen?" I asked still seated beside Aahotep. My heart ached at the same time my blood boiled. How dare somebody kidnaps me and then tries to kill Aahotep. I vow that if anything ever happened to Aahotep then I shall show no mercy to the people who did this to him. I have already lost a lot, I will not lose anyone anymore.

"Can we talk about it after you have at least washed yourself?" Ammon asked. I gave him the 'tell me now or else' look.

"Since Aahotep seems to be better now I will visit him after a while," the royal swnw said as he made his way out of Aahotep's bedroom. I guess it was to give us a moment alone.

"I'm not telling you anything. You need to go wash the mud off, eat something and then maybe if you aren't glaring at people like you would murder them then perhaps I'll tell you what happened," Ammon said as he crossed his hand to his chest.

"Look, I have just fled a group of heavily armed men, each the size of a bull so I could make it back just to find my husband lying on the floor. Now will you tell me what happened or do I need to go investigate," I said angerily. I know Ammon was just looking out for me but I'm not a little kid anymore and right now I was pissed as hell. I needed to know. Ammon sighed, he seemed to have given in.

"Alright fine. But after that you need to go take a bath," Ammon said as he sat down beside me.

"When you disappeared Aahotep had found a note saying if he didn't cancel the meeting to sign the peace treaty then they would kill you," Ammon started off. I inhaled sharply. So I was right.

"So Aahotep asked me to assemble a group of soldiers to find you before then. I searched for you almost everywhere but I couldn't find you before the deadline. Where were they hiding you?" Aahotep asked. I had still not told them where I was being held. We were too busy trying to save Aahotep.

"Al-Minya. That's not important right now just continue." I said irritated that he stopped. I could see Ammon wanted to continue to ask something else but he decided against it.

"You still have to tell me about that later. So since we had run out of options Aahotep had to choose between two things. Either to let you die for the sake of the country or save you but destroy the peace that was slowly starting to build in turn causing a war to break out. Both were not an option so he came up with a more stupid plan that is to kill himself," Ammon said.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Well not literally. The only way he could avoid the two was if he staged an act of being poisoned. That way he buys time for both parties. So we formulated a poison from the Sonolacea flower, just strong enough so he would faint but I don't know how it lead to him being paralysed?" Ammon said looking at Aahotep. I was in shock. Why would he go though such a stupid plan. You know why, my inner voice said.

Suddenly tears started flowing and before I knew it I was crying uncontrollably.

"Neith, What happened," Ammon asked as he came closer.

"Aahote...p can't I .... nee...d to tell somet...hing," I said in between sobs.

"He isn't going to die," Ammon said holding me in his arms. "What is it that you need to tell him so badly?" Ammon asked.

" I .... him t...oo," I said out without thinking. Ammon froze. I could feel his muscles tense beneath him. Oh no, what did I just burt out.

"Well since I just told you the whole story you have to hold your end of the deal. Now go and take a bath. I think I need one too since you rubbed off all the mud on me too," Ammon said letting go of the embrace. I smiled a little. Somehow out of all the chaos he cheered me up. But I felt like he seemed a little off. Maybe he's jealous?

"You know I'll always love you right." I said looking at him with a smile.

"Ya, I know." Ammon said smiling back, but his smile didn't reach his eyes. I was probably over thinking it. I walked out of the door and headed toward my room.

Please keep the people I love safe, I prayed to Aten as I touched the moonstone on my neck.


"You have got to be kidding me," I said a little loudly then I should have.

"Keep you voice down, I don't know how you'll do it but do it soon. You know what will happen otherwise," said one of the council members.

I was about to argue before a servant passed by us. I knew it wasn't safe to talk here so I just left and headed back into Aahotep's room. I wasn't done yet.

The swnw was examining Aahotep while Neith was seated beside him, holding his hand. My heart did a summersault landing in my stomach. Seems my sister was growing attached to Aahotep.

I walked up to her and asked her to take a bath and rest up. She as usual disagreed. The Swnw left the room to give us some space.

I kept asking her to go but she didn't bulge at all. She wanted to know what happened to Aahotep.

I finally gave in and told the story. Well most of it. When I finished she started to cry. I was shocked and held her asking what was wrong.

When she told me she liked Aahotep and I tensed up. I felt like my whole world came crashing down. How could this happen? I thought that she hated him. I needed her to hate him. It would make a lot of things a little less stressful.

After I let go of the embrace, Neith told me she would always love me. On any other day I would have felt happy but today all I felt was that a knife was welded into my heart. Would she still love me even after what I was going to do? Would she still love me after I kill Aahotep?


The cat's finally out of the bag. Were you expecting this? Or was it a total shock 😱. Leave a comment and let me know. I'm also really sorry for doing this to you guys. I know how much you loved Ammon but you have to just keep on reading to find out why he's doing this😉.

If you liked the chap then please do vote. It would make my day❤. Also share the book to help Neith get out there.

Hope you guys have a great day. Love ya!! ❤❤

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