Special chap one

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Love is all around. Its in the home cooked meal by our mother, its in the eyes of our siblings when they tease us. Its in everything, we only have to look a little to see it.


Ammon's Pov

Damn these roasted dates were absolutely amazing, I thought as I stuffed a few into my mouth. I was totally lost in the taste that I didn't realise Neith was standing behind me.

"Ammon, you big idiot. You were supposed to hide. I could hear you eating from the hall," Neith said keeping her little arms crossed and a small frown on her face make me crack a wide smile. She was so cute.

"Well its boring to play hide and seek all the time. How about we see who can fit the most number of dates in their mouth," I said as I continued to devour the roasted goodness. Before I could take some more Neith snatched away the small cloth bag and ran away.

"Neith get back here." I said as I ran after her. She was so small and with the tiny legs of hers she couldn't out run me.

"Ah!!! Put me down, put me down Ammon," Neith squealed as I lifted her in the air from behind. How I love to irritate my baby sister sometimes. I placed her down. She turned around and with her small fist jumped a little and punched me in my stomach.

"Ah!!!" I said and fell to the floor holding my stomach as I faked the pain.

"Did it hurt that much?" Neith asked immediately kneeling down. Her soft brown eyes looking worried.

"Ya, your too strong. I think I might be dying," I said clutching my tummy more tightly and rolling in pain.

"No no, don't die. I wont punch you again," Neith said with tears in her eyes. I winked at her and before she could understand I started tickling her.

"No, ah!!! Stop Ammon. Your so mean. Stop!!" Neith squealed and laughed at the same time. She was turning a slight shape of pink so I decided to stop.

"Now hand me my dates," I asked after she had calmed down. She didn't argue and handed back the small cloth. I took it and handed over three to her which she took and ate with her tiny hands. I seriously could watch her eat forever. She was just so damn cute.

"Ammon can we go to see the pyramids now," Neith asked after she was done eating.

"Again? But we went there two days ago," I said looking at her with a frown. She always asked me to take her there. They were nothing but coffins in the shape of triangles.

"Please please. I want to go see them," Neith asked pouting. I sighed, she knew that I couldn't say no when she pouts. Ah!!! She is soo evil.

"Alright fine," I said rolling my eyes. I got up and tried to help Neith up too but she pushed my hand away and got up by herself. I shook my head, she always wanted to do things on her own. We were about to leave when an idea struck me.

"One second I'll be back," I said and left Neith near the door while I headed to my room. After searching for a few minutes I found what I was looking for. With a smile I came back to find Neith sitting on a step totally lost in thought.

"What you thinking about ?" I asked bringing her back to the present.

"I was just wondering what dad was doing now," Neith said as she got up.

"Probably training some new recruits. Anyways here, I got this for us to play with," I said handing her a small wooden sword. Her eyes instantly grew wider as she took the sword and inspected it.

"Really?" she asked looking at me with those big brown eyes. I smiled and nodded. She reminded me so much of mom.

"Yup it is. I will teach you how to use it today," I said as I showed her my wooded sword as well. She squealed and ran around in joy. I laughed and followed her.

We reached the base of the pyramid and Neith looked at it with awe. No matter how many times we came here she would always have the same look on her face.

"Why do you like them so much?' I asked.

"I want to see if I can spot God Ra," she said still looking at the pyramid.

I sighed. She wanted to meet the God of death so she could ask if her mother was fine in the afterlife. It was sweet but I wished she would let go of such childish thoughts.

"Alright seems like he isn't here today. Come on I'll teach you how to fight," I called out hoping I would get her attention. It did because as soon as I said it she turned around and came running towards me.

"Ok, first you have to hold the sword up like this," I said showing her with the one I had. She nodded and did so.

"Then try slashing it like this," I continued my demonstration. She did so with ease. Um... My sister seems to be good at this I thought. I continued to teach her more of it and by the time we finished the sun was almost setting.

"You did very well Neith. Keep this up and maybe one day you can defeat me," I said looking at my sister who looked tired after all the practice.

"Really?" Neith looked at me once again with those big brown eyes.

"Yes," I smiled and sat down. Neith joined me and together we watched the sun set painting the blue skies in hues of pink, orange and yellow.


Hii guys. This chap was written to celebrate Neith crossing 6k views 😆❤. I had loads of fun writing it 💟.

So how did you guys feel about it? Liked it, hated it? Leave a comment and let me know 😉.

This chap is dedicated to Dante_Greywolf for being such a wonderful reader 😊💟. Tysm, your comments always make my day. Also I added the pyramid reference you wanted 😆😉.

Hope you guys have an awesome day. Love ya!! 💟❤😘.

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