TWENTY NINE: Confessions

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Some of the best things in life are mistakes.


Hope you guys like this song. I know its pretty old but its still a good one 😊❤.

Neith's Pov

We walked hand in hand through the crowd. All eyes transfixed on us, watching our every step. Some whispers were passed and a few nodes were exchanged.

I just made sure the heavy crown on my head stayed there while trying not to look like a limping duck.

Its harder then it sounds especially under the scrutiny of three dozen pair of eyes.

Breath. It's going to be fine.

Aahotep introduces me and gives a speech about the event being held. He than proceed to speak about political matters for which I zoned out completely.

All that's running through my mind was the conversation that I had heard. I just couldn't get it out of my head. I excused myself and headed out. I needed to get some air.

I walked out of the hall and headed south from there. After taking a few turns, I came to a part of the castle I hadn't seen before.

Not that it surprised me, I hardly roamed the palace mostly cause I was too busy training and used all my time on it. I wasn't really into exploring this place as it just made me miss home even more.

I removed the crown and gave my neck a gentle massage. Looks like the palace had yet another garden.

I entered and somehow this place felt soothing. It wasn't too big but it wasn't small either. A small water fountain was planted in the middle. Under the moonlight the water looked like liquid silver. It was surrounded by lots of flowers, mostly roses. Under the star light sky I could make out all the different colours or reds, whites and yellows.

I walked toward the fountain and placed the crown carefully on the cold marble. I touched the cold water and felt instantly better.

Closing my eyes I relished the cool breeze gently brush against my skin, taking all my thoughts away. It had been a while since I felt so at ease. Even though I had a lot on my mind, I just let myself enjoy mother nature's magic.

“So this is where you ran off to,” came a voice that disturbed my peaceful moment. I turned to see Aahotep slanting on a pillar, a small smile planted on his face.

Couldn't I just have a minute to myself?

I rolled my eyes at him,“I didn't run off, just took a break.”

I tried to look him in the eye but I couldn't. My heart felt heavy for some reason, like it has suddenly turned to stone. Maybe I was still frighted of him or maybe I just didn't want to confront him.

“You know this is the garden your father and mine first met. After my father passed Adio would visit this place almost every single day,” Aahotep said, looking around with a small smile on his face.

He seemed to look younger and his smile looked genuine this time. Not the fake one he held often.

“I heard the conversation you had,” I said slowly, afraid to say more. I hoped he would explain it even if it was a bit. I needed to know but at the same time I didn't.

I hear him sigh. I look up to see him run his hands through his dark brown hair. His brow tensed and his eyes showed an emotion of regret I think.

His hair seemed soft. Wish mine was like that. I mentally kicked myself. What am I thinking. Did I hit my head somewhere? Was wearing the crown for so long starting to affect my mind?

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