Chapter 41: Don't mess with the kings

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The world is a beautiful place only if your believe it is.


Neith's Pov

Ohh no no no...... How could he be here? I gaped at the captain.

"What on earth is going on here?" Nubian King Taharaqa asked looking a little irritated.

"Exactly, why are there men pointing their swords at us Omar?" Libyan King Ramzi asked stepping forward.

"Ah ah... Please don't move Ram. It would be best if non of you made any kind of movement." Hittites King Omar said.

I could feel the tension in the room build up. Even though the weather was quite pleasant today I could feel a drop of sweat run down my back.

"Seems like there will be a slight change in plans," Hittites King Omar said with a sickening smile.

"What plans?" I asked before anyone could.

"Well hello there Neith. Its thanks to you that we are in this mess. If only you had stayed put, non of this would have happened." Hittites King Omar said with despise.

Wait a minute. Did he just..?

"So it was you who ordered the kidnapping?" I ask with disbelief. Why in Aten's name would he want to kidnap me?

"Yes, of course it was me who ordered it." Hittites King Omar said as if it was something obvious.

"Why... Why would you do something like that?" I asked shocked.

"So he could sabotage the treaty and attack Egypt." Syrian King Sayid said glaring at Omar.

"Absolutely correct. I knew that Aahotep would save you even if it meant sabotaging the meeting. Hence angering the other kingdoms which in turn would cause war." Hittites King Omar said without remorse. Like war was nothing more than a game to him.

"Why would you do that?" I asked still confused to how war would help solve anything. I knew that Egypt and Hittites didn't get along but I didn't know that they would go to such lengths to cripple us.

"What do you mean why? Do you not know? Egypt and Hittites are ENEMIES. We have never been or will we ever be friendly neighbours to Egypt. We will never trust you not after what Akhenaten did?" Hittites King Omar said with disgust.

Akhenaten was Aahotep's great grandfather. I didn't know much about him just that he was a ruthless Pharaoh. I wondered why they despised him so much?

Before I could ask why he despised him King Sayid of Syria spoke. "That is ancient history. Egypt has changed a lot since then so why are your people still holding a grudge?"

"We will forever hold a grudge against Egypt. I'm sorry for what I am about to do but its necessary," Hittites King Omar said.

"And what exactly are you sorry for?" Nubian King Taharqa asked.

"For killing you all." Hittites Omar said looking at me straight in the eye.

Now it all made sense to me. If the kings were killed on our sand and the news reached their kingdoms then no matter what anyone says it would look like we were the ones who murdered them and there would definitely be war. This was bad. I was already pretty tired from travelling day and night to get here on time and also fighting off the Captain a few hours earlier that I had lost all my energy.

The reason why I was covered in mud before was because the Captain and a few of the the men who guarded me found me. I fought then off and in the process blinded the Captain in the eye while he tried to drown me in the oasis. I was sure he would have died but he somehow managed to be here. Could I never get rid of this guy?

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