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Use your smile to change the world, don't let the world change you're smile.

- Unknown.

Hope you guys enjoy the song 😊❤


Aahotep's Pov

It was almost nightfall. The warm, humid breeze indicated that summer had begun.

I was busy making preparations for the upcoming war. If there was one that is. It never hurt to be prepared.

After the attack by the Hittites I had been in a state of confusion. To top that off the I had got married to a kid who made things even more difficult for me.

I sighed and looked towards the horizon. The sun was sinking into the depths of the earth, making a beautiful contrast of pinks against the grey clouds. The rocky mountains in the distance completed this beautiful view that gave chills to anyone who saw it.

I loved the sunsets and sunrise. They both felt magical but I preferred sunrise as it had the sensation of life in it. I always felt like the Gods themselves took the liberty to paint them. My mind wondered from the illuminating sunset to Neith.

I wondered how she was doing after what I had said. I really didn't want to go that far but if she was going to keep poking her nose in places she shouldn't then something had to be done. By saying that I had killed her father she would now try to seek vengeance. That means she would use all her spare time training than go about investigating.

But was it really necessary? My inner voice asked.

Yes, this was the safest way for me to protect her. It might not be the safest for me but at least she would be. I really hoped she was fine but deep down even I knew that wouldn't be the case.


Neith's Pov

I had been cooped inside my room since noon. My appetite had gone so I hadn't had anything to eat either.

How could I after what I had heard?

Shivers ran down my spine as I recalled for the thousandth time what he had said.

I was still in a state of rejection. I kept telling myself that I didn't hear what he said clearly or that I probably dreamt it and so on.

I didn't want to believe that I had married a murderer. That too one that had killed my father.

Even though today was warm I was shivering uncontrollably. I shook so much that I could feel the bed move slightly.

As I was lost in my endless thought of that one sentence, I was pulled out of it by a knock on the door.

"Your Highness, please open the door. I have brought you some fruits," Maiu called out for the tenth time today.

"Leave me alone Maiu. I will eat when I feel like it so just leave me please," I begged. I didn't want to see anyone right now.

"But your Highness, you haven't eaten anything since noon. If you stay like this you will spoil your health," Maiu said, sounding concerned.

"I don't care. Go away," I yelled. After a few seconds I heard her leave. She probably didn't deserve to be screamed at but she was getting on my nerves.

What should I do now? If Aahotep really is my father's killer then what in Aten's name should I do?

I froze for a moment as realisation hit me. Ammon had always warned me to stay away from investigating about father. He also got really angry when he found out that I did so behind his back. Not to mention his anger when he learnt I was getting married too.

Maybe Ammon knew? That's why he had asked me to stay away. And I was too stubborn and too stupid understand.

I needed to see Ammon right away. I needed to confirm it. I had too. I threw myself off the bed. Opened the door and ran out. I ran through the corridors like a mad man.

From the corner of my eye I could see the servants gape as I fled past them. At last I arrived at his door after a few minutes of running around.

I hesitated for a second. If he confirms it then I was sure I wouldn't be able to bear the guilt. Maybe if I pretended that I never heard it, I could go back to being a the miserable girl who got married against her will. My life would be back. It wasn't colourful but at least I wouldn't have this unbearable guilt.The guilt of marrying my father's murderer.

I stood in front of the door not knowing what to do. This was the first time I hesitated.

Should I, or shouldn't I?

I dropped my hand. I couldn't, I can't do it. Tears filled my eyes, looks like my emotions finally caught up to me.

Tears rolled down my face and fell on the floor. I made no attempt to wipe them away. I stood there and let them flow. The door creaked making me look up. I was met my a pair of confused eyes. Even though it was blurring since I was crying, I knew it was Ammon instantly.

''Neith! What happened?'' Ammon asked embracing me. I couldn't say anything. The ability to speak had escaped me. I just stood there and let my tears fall. I didn't even have the strength to hug him back. I couldn't do anything. My mind was blank.

I could hear Ammon curse under his breath. He was tensed.

Suddenly he removed his embrace, making me almost fall. He then pulled me into his room and closed the door.

I stood there, tears still flowing though I had no idea from where so much came from since I hadn't had a sip of water since noon.

He pulled me and made me sit on a chair. He then made his way to the next room.

I wiped my tears or at least tried to. I can't ask him, no way. I won't so I had to come up with something quick.

Maybe I could tell him about how Aahotep kicked my butt really bad this morning and that I thought I was useless or something along those lines.

Let's go with that.

Ammon returned with a plate of fruits and a glass of water. I frowned and looked up at him.

"Eat, I don't think you have had anything to eat," he said, placing the plate of fruits which were cut up into little pieces on my lap.

He had done this when I was a kid too, it was the only way I would eat them. I almost smiled. He always thought of me as a little kid.

I ate them in silence and drank the glass of water. I knew he was looking at me, studying me, thinking what could have happened. I finished eating and kept the plate aside. I looked up at him a grinned showing all my pearly whites.

"I was just thinking about unnecessary things and broke down. Now I feel much better so I will be going back to my room," I said getting up to leave.

"Sit down!" Ammon said in a commanding voice.

"I know you better than you know yourself. So what happened that made you break down so bad that you didn't even return my hug?" he asked looking me straight in the eye. He was serious. His eyes indicated that he was ready to kill the person responsible for my state. This made me feel a bit happy, only a bit.

"Spill it Neith," Ammon said again. His voice slightly threatening.

Should I have to go ahead with my lie or should I tell him the truth?


Woah!! Ammon seems dead serious. Someone hurt his baby sister. I wonder what Neith is going to do? Will she tell Ammon or won't she. Tune in to find out. 😉

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Hope you have an awesome day. Love ya!! ❤❤.

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