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He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions.

- Louisa May Alcott.

Hope you guys like the song. 😍

Guys I want to thank you all for being so supportive and reading the book. Seriously its readers like you that make writers want to write better stories. Its been two months since Neith has been published, and its been so amazing to write it too. Please continue to support me on this journey. Seriously love you guys. 😘😘

Aahotep's Pov

I put on my crown and was ready to leave for the temple. I felt nervous, the same way I felt when I was going to get crowned three years ago.

Did I make the right choice? Was this the only way to ensure her safety?

I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts. Now wasn't the time for that nor was there anything I could do about it.

These past weeks had been hectic. Aside from the preparations I had to make, to letting the council members know of the wedding and the fury that resided in Ammon's eye when I told him, it had actually been quite refreshing.

All because one little girl seemed to enjoy challenging me on everything. I didn't understand why but whenever I was around her she made me feel normal and her constant mess ups always make me laugh.

I smiled as I recalling her say she would kick my bottom. I mean who says that? Not to mention the skills she possesses. It was quite unbelievable for someone her age. I knew she could fight but I never imagined it to be that good.

That kid had more spirit in her then anyone I had ever met. She also never hesitated to state her opinion on things, even if it was a minor issue, she always wanted to be a part of it. I could now understand why Adio and Ammon adored her so much.

Well my good mood didn't last very long and the small smile vanished when I remembered the council.

When I had told the council about my decision to marry Neith, I was sure there would have been a lot of uproar about it. But to my surprise most of them were happy about it. Maybe they were finally relieved that I was marrying someone? Even Ammon said it was fine after a while though. Clearly Ammon didn't like the idea but I didn't understand why would he agree to it. Maybe he too felt it would keep her safe or did he just agree to it because he felt complied to do so since I was the Pharaoh?

The one person that I felt who was truly happy about this was my mother. When I told her she hugged me so tight I couldn't breath for a whole minute. I think my image of the Pharaoh was depreciating day by day. Not that I didn't enjoy her hugs but I was definitely too old for them.

I sighed. Will both of these women ever grow up?

Well instead of rattling my head about it I stepped into the Royal ship. The bride and groom should not travel together so I would be heading to the temple first and then Neith would arrive. As we passed by, I saw all the people who had gathered on the banks to cheer for us.

The entire river was decorated with white lilies. I smiled and waved a bit. The cheers grew louder and for a moment I grew deaf. But I didn't mind, as long as my people were happy I would do anything.

We soon reached the banks and I descended from the ship. The priest of the temple came and greeted me. After that we entered the inner sanctuary and a few preparations that were pending were being done.

I was standing before the great stone inscription when I heard the noise of footsteps behind me. I turned to see Neith walking and looking around with awe. She made a full three sixty degree view before her eyes met mine.

She looked beautiful in her light blue floor length gown. I felt a hint of guilt. Maybe this wasn't the right thing for her. I would literally be robbing her future.

She looked at me for a few seconds before walking up and standing next to me without hesitating at all. This made me feel even more guiltier. I hoped that I wasn't making a big mistake.

The ceremony finished. We were now officially wed. We proceeded to exit the temple.

''Smile and wave,'' I said to Neith who stood beside me. She played along and the crowed cheered us on. We boarded the ship to head back to the palace.

''I have a few things I would like to talk to about,'' Neith said looking away. I frowned, she never looked away when talking to me. I wonder if something happened?

''Well what is it?'' I asked, worried.

''I would like to talk about it in private when you're free,'' she said softly, still not looking at me.

''Is it that important? Is something wrong?'' I asked getting more concerned.

''No, nothing's wrong. It's important though,'' she said looking serious.

I wonder what it could be?


So Neith and Aahotep finally got married. So what does Neith want to tell Aahotep? Tune in to find out 😉.

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Love you guys 😘😘😘. Have a great day 😊😊.

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