Chapter 51: Pain

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The word happiness would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

-Carl Jung.

Hope you guys enjoy the music. 😊

Anka's Pov

The air was heavily perfumed with a variety of spices and other delicious odors that gave a warm welcome as I entered through the huge double doors of the royal kitchen.

It was always a hectic place. People constantly kept running in and out, screaming out orders and the washing of vessels and swiping of floors added to the background music of this busy environment. I had always found comfort in a chaotic situation because it always reminded me of how life is filled with chaos but if we stay still and strong it will always die down.

But lately it didn't seem to calm me like it always did. I grabbed a freshly baked piece of bread and left the kitchen making my way to Neith's room.

It had been more than five days since she left but it felt like months had gone by. We had gone for more days without seeing each other but for some reason my heart felt heavy. Maybe it was because I knew she was putting herself in danger. I'm always wondering if she was eating well or if she was getting enough sleep. Was she staying out of trouble? So many thoughts ran in my mind and I wasn't sure what I had to do to get rid of them.

I entered her room hoping to sooth my aching head but stopped dead in my tracks.

"I'm sorry your Highness, I didn't know you would be here," I said bowing down.

"Oh it's you. It's alright, you can lift your head," I heard Aahotep say.

"I'll be going then," I said turning back to head out.

"Oh no, please stay. It's been a while since I actually spoke to someone other than the guards," Aahotep said.

I slowly turned around and looked at Aahotep. He sat on a wooden chair but this one had wheels on both the sides. There was a cushion to support his back. It was some sort of new invention. I was a bit curious on how it works but I wouldn't dare ask the Pharaoh of it.

"Have a seat," Aahotep said bring me out of my trance.

I gave him a small smile and made my way to the chair near the study table. I took my seat and tried not to make eye contact. Aahotep seemed friendly but he was still the Pharaoh of Egypt and he kind of intimates me. I wonder how Neith could have argued with such a man constantly. She has guts I'll give her that.

"Aren't you gonna eat that?" Aahotep asked, again bring me out of my thoughts.

I looked at the piece of bread that I was holding.

"No, I um.. I'll eat it later," I said keeping my head down.

"Please eat. Don't hold back just because I'm here and I would appreciate it if you looked at me while I spoke," Aahotep said in a soft voice.

I sighed internally. Did I have too? Taking in a deep breath, I slowly lifted my face to look at the man in front of me. It would probably be rude if I kept looking down as I talked. The moment I lifted my head I was met by a pair of emerald green eyes and a kind smile.

I inhaled sharply as I was taken in how frail the Pharaoh had become. Even though his eyes looked kind you could see dark rims around it. His face was pale and his cheeks had been sucked in. He looked like he would be blown away by even a small gust of wind.

"Well go on, eat. You seem to have lost a lot of weight recently," Aahotep said looking at me with a slight frown. I could say the same for him. He looked far worse than I did.

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