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Hey guys. How are you all doing? It's been a while since I updated this book and I have a few things I would like to say hence this chapter.

Number one:

Thank you all so so much for reading this book and leaving such wonderful comments. Each and every one of those meant so much to me and made me so happy. All of them made me feel so warm inside and always instantly brightened up my day.

So thank you, even to the silent readers for taking the time in giving Neith a chance. I will forever be grateful to y'all. ❤❤

Number two:

I know many of you were upset or sad that Neith ended and as much as I would love to write a part two I have decided against it. I liked how I ended the story so I don't wanna mess it up with a part two. But I do have some amazing news I would like to share here.

I have started writing another book called Fate's Assistant.

It's a teen fiction novel about the journey of a young girl after she has taken her own life.

This book has been on my mind for ages. I wanted to write something to help the youth of this generation. They struggle with so much and they are often misunderstood in so many ways. Mental health is so important to take care of but many people neglect to do so. So if you're interested in a anything like that I would appreciate it if you took a look at my new book.

Don't worry it's not an entirely sad miserable mess. There is humor, sass and gay gods too. So I hope you would all give it a try. 😊❤

That's all I have to say so I'm gonna go now before things become awkward. 😅😅

Bye! ❤❤

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