THIRTY FIVE: Questions And Answers

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It's never to late to be what you might have been.

- George Eliot

Hope you guys enjoy the song 😍😍.

Neith's Pov


Darkness engulfed me in a thick woolen blanket. I felt a dull pain throbbing at the base of my skull, my eyes were closed shut and my body felt cold. Cold as the piercing winter wind that made one's teeth chatter.

I tried opening my eyes but they didn't obey my command.

Again. Try again.

I willed myself with all my strength to open my eyes but I couldn't. Panic started to set in. Why! Why wasn't I able to open them.

Maybe I was stuck in a dream?

Before I could get my thoughts together I heard the faint sound of footsteps.

"Looks like she is still out cold," came a husky voice. Seems like there was a man near me.

"She won't wake up for a few more hours. The sedative we gave her is very powerful so she won't be a problem even if she does get up. Her body would be too weak to even walk. So don't worry too much," said another man. His voice was much more deeper than the first.

Sedative? What are they talking about?

Than everything popped into my mind. I had been kidnapped.

Anger boiled through me. I wanted to jump up and knock the living daylights out of these guys but my body wouldn't comply. It was like I was trapped in my own body.

Why would anyone want to kidnap me? Did they not know who I was?

Man one - That's good but we still need to keep an eye on her. She does know how to fight.

Man two - She might know how to fight but I doubt she can defend herself. She is a kid after all. Besides what can a girl such as her do against ten fully grown men.

Ten men? There were ten men gaurding me?

Escaping ten men with my full strength was a challenge but now in the current situation I was in, it seemed nearly impossible. I needed a plan. My fists alone will not help me this time. I needed to use my head too.

The two of them walked away talking about what they would be having for dinner. Now was my chance to see how bad a condition I was in. Perhaps if I tried really hard I could manage to move.

I focused my mind. I could do this. If I was able to get up maybe I could sneak away from this place since no one would be keeping an eye on me.

Let's start by moving my fingers.

It seemed like my hands were tied behind my back. This was going to be a challenge.

To my surprise I was able to move my fingers and even my hands.

This is great.

I tried to feel the ground beneath me. It felt like damp soil. Than I moved my hands vertically. A wall? It felt cold. Perhaps I was in some sort of cave?

After a while I was able to sit up straight keeping my back to the cold cave walls. My head ached so much it was difficult to concentrate.

Alright. Now I have to open my eyes.

NEITH [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now