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Education is not merely a means for earning a living or an instrument for the acquisition of wealth. It is an initiation into life of spirit, a training of the human soul in the pursuit of truth and the practice of virtue.

                      - Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit

Hi guys. Its been a month since this story has been published. The first chapter was put out on the 15th of August. I want to thank you all for supporting me through this wonderful journey. I hope you guys continue to read and enjoy the upcoming chapters. Cheers 😊✌

Hope you like the song 😍 You can also suggest one. Who knows maybe I will put it up in the upcoming chapters 😉

Neith's Pov

Light... I felt a subtle light hit my face, bringing me out of the depths of darkness.

Mm... I moaned as I stirred around before sitting up. A yawn escaped my mouth as I scratched my head. 

I looked around slightly confused to see me in my room.

When did I get here? Wasn't I sleeping near the fire place yesterday?

I gasped as I recalled the conversation I had with Ammon. I immediately got up and ran a couple of steps before I noticed my legs were too sore. But I ignored it and started searching for Ammon and father.

I looked everywhere in the house but both of them were no where to be found. I needed the conversation to be a dream. In a way not finding them meant so because there was no way Ammon would leave me alone if father really had died. But I couldn't shake this feeling of dread that had settled in my stomach.

Maybe I should head to the Palace and check on them?

I remembered then that I still hadn't checked behind the house. I ran towards the back door and pulled it with such force for a second I thought it would fall right off. Luckily it didn't.

I scanned the area and spotted Ammon talking with Anka's father, Jabari.

Why was Ammon talking to one of the minister's of the court?

Both of them turned their heads towards me and then quickly turned away. After a few seconds Jabari left and Ammon made his way towards me.

As he drew closer, my heart seemed to accelerate even more and my stomach turned around so much I thought I would be sick. I prayed to Aten for it to be a bad dream. I would even give up on my dreams or even my soul if that's what it would take.

Once he was close enough I noticed how his eyes were red and sucked in. He also looked like he had aged a few years. I worried what that meant.

"Did you tell me something last night about dad or did I dream up something stupid again," I blurted out when he was close enough to hear me. A few tears had already made their way down my cheek. I already knew the answer but I didn't want to believe it.

"I'm so sorry Neith. I... I should have waited until you woke up to tell you about it," he said pulling me into a hug, crushing me. I could feel him shaking. 

I hugged him back sobbing uncontrollably. It hurt. It hurt so much. I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my body. I couldn't stand anymore. I felt my legs give out underneath me.

Both of us sat down and I continued to sob. I felt a few tears wet my back. Ammon was crying too. This made me cry even harder.

We had no one any more. We were left alone, abandoned. What was going to happen to us? Why did Baba leave us? Did the Gods hate us so much? Is that why they took both my parents away?

NEITH [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now