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Hey guys 😊. Before we get started I want to inform you of some amazing news. Guys ready.....

🎆🎊🎉🎇 Neith has crossed over 10k reads and has more than 1.6k votes 🎇🎉🎊🎆.

Tysm for all your support. I'm truly fortunate to have such an amazing group of supporters. You guys rock😘❤.

Alright getting back to business. This chapter is going to have a list of the ten Liwaas(Majors) and a little bio on them. Hope I don't bore you guys with this one 😅.

1. Name: Asim
   Age: Twenty two
   Height: 6'2"
   Physical characteristics: Light brown hair, well built, has a scare five inch on his back.
Personality: Quick to temper. Excellent archer and a good swordsmen. Will gladly give his life to save his comrades.

2. Name: Ubaid
   Age: Twenty seven
   Height: 5'9"
   Physical characteristics:  black hair, well built, has a small mole near his left ear.
Personality: Doesn't speak very often but if something bothers him he will voice it out. All rounder. Can work well with any given weapon.

  3. Name: Bast
   Age: Twenty five
   Height: 6'1"
   Physical characteristics: Dark brown hair, well built.
Personality: Keeps his cool at all times. Doesn't like disputes. Tactics is his strongest asset.

4. Name: Chuma
   Age: Twenty six
   Height: 6'2"
   Physical characteristics: Messy brown hair, well built, has multiple scars on his body.
Personality: Loves a challenge especially one that involves fists. He will kill without mercy, always a clean cut or blow. Excellent at hand to hand combat.

5. Name: Darius
   Age: Twenty two
   Height: 6'
   Physical characteristics: Black- brown hair, one ear pierced but doesn't wear any sort of ear piece.
Personality: Boy next door. Always smiles and is generally a cheerful person until provoked. Has excellent leadership skills.

6. Name: Eboni
   Age: Thirty
   Height: 5'8"
   Physical characteristics: Black hair, also equally dark skin tone.
Personality: Quirky. He observes things from a very different view. Considered to be one of the best swordsmen alive. 

7. Name: Haji
   Age: Twenty one
   Height: 6'3"
   Physical characteristics: Dark brown curly locks, eyes are a light shade of brown.
Personality: The youngest among the Liwaas. A very silent person. Only speaks when spoken to. Keen observer. Good at using all sort of weaponry but is especially good at hand to hand combat.

8. Name: Jahi
   Age: Thirty two
   Height: 6'
   Physical characteristics: Light brown hair, Has an excellent row of teeth. 
Personality: The oldest Liwaas. A fun person. Always takes things light heartedly. Wisdom comes with age is a very apt quote for him.

9. Name: Kakra
   Age: Twenty four
   Height: 5'9"
   Physical characteristics: Light brown hair, well built, has dimple on his right cheek
Personality: Loves the adrenaline rush a fight gives. All rounder in terms of knowledge and skill. Has never lost any sort of fight till date.

10. Name: Manu
   Age: Twenty three
   Height: 6'2"
   Physical characteristics: Brown hair, well built.
Personality: Confident and charming. His looks have every women charmed. Loves attention but doesn't crave it. He is known as the handsome heart breaker because he never just settles for one woman.
Excellent archer and swordsmen.


That's all guys 😊. This was a short bio of all the Liwaas. So which Liwaa do you like the most. Leave a comment and let me know.

I'm planning to do a special chap between Anka and Ammon (since it was the second most requested one after Ammon and Neith) to celebrate Neith crossing 10k views. So shall I or would you like something else. Please leave a comment and let me know 😄.

Hope you guys have an amazing day 😊. Love ya all soo much 😘❤❤.


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