Cover For Neith

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I am so sorry for reposting this chap. I really don't know why Wattpad keeps crashing when I try to post new cover pictures😥.

I really hope you guys will revote or vote for your fav Cover pic. Please press the picture you like and comment +1 or give it a thumbs up so its easier for me to see how many votes or likes a picture gets.

So lets get started 😆.

I would love to thank Ms_Book_Worm
For these wonderful covers. They are truly amazing. If you guys need a book cover I think you'll like her work.


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Its the same Cover as I have now except it has a better font.

Its the same Cover as I have now except it has a better font

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Its the same as the above except Neith is all grown up in this one. 


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I really love this one because it damn cute. I know its not how Neith looks exactly but its still a nice Cover.

 I know its not how Neith looks exactly but its still a nice Cover

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These are the latest addition. This one is really colourful. 


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I really love this one. I think this captures Neith pretty well.

 I think this captures Neith pretty well

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This one is pretty cool too.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

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Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Once again I'm really sorry that I had to upload it again 😥😅.

Will be posting the next chapter tomorrow so stay tuned as the truth will be revealed (drum rolls) 😉.

So if you liked this chap then go ahead and give the small star a press 🌟, would really make my day. 

Hope you guys have an awesome and super cool day. Love ya!!❤❤


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