THIRTY: Reassurance

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Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.

-Albert Einstein.

Hope you guys remember this song. 😂😂

Neith's Pov

I woke up to an almost intolerable headache. The heaviness of the piercing sunlight made it ten times worse. From the intensity of the blinding rays, I guess I had overslept again.

After a nice hot bath in which I accidentally dozed off, my headache had reduced drastically and was almost gone. Guess crying before sleeping was a bad idea. I didn't feel like training so I decided to see what Ammon was up too.

Since it was almost noon he would be back in his room resting up before heading out to train the troops in the evening. I wanted to surprise him so I didn't bother to knock on the door, instead I turned the door knob slowly and made my way inside.

I froze.

Before me lay a room so clean you could probably see your reflection on the marble floor. There was a sweet scent that lingered in the air. The tables were neat and tidy with a few papyrus and scrolls neatly arranged on it. Flowers were also arranged in a vases in various parts of the house.

Oh no! Did I enter the wrong room?

The place was way too clean to be my brother's. I looked around to make sure this was his room.

After a solid minute of glancing I definitely knew this was my brother's chambers. I than processed to walk past the hall and into the bedroom to see if Ammon was there.

And he was.

He was sitting on the study table and going through something. He was too involved in it to notice me tiptoeing my way towards him.

“Boo,” I said, hoping to frighten him but instead he grabs my hand with his left and turns around bringing a small knife to my throat with his right hand. His brow frowned and eyes cold, like that of a killer.

I'm gonna die.

Once he saw me his hands immediately dropped and his eyes were replaced by anger.

Now I really am going to die.

“Idiot, don't sneak up on people. I could have slit your throat!” Ammon yelled, placing the knife on the table.

“I'm sorry, but you didn't have to pull out knife you know. Its not like assassins are out to attack you,” I said, rubbing my neck. That knife was way to close. 

Ammon didn't answer me. He kept the papyrus which he was glancing along with a few more aside and pushed me toward the hall.

“Hey!” I protested but it was of no use so I just gave up.

We sat on one of the cushioned chairs. Ammon had moved into the general's quarter's around four months back. It was offered to my dad too but he refused since the home we stayed in used to belong to my grandparents and quite frankly I liked it there.

“So, why did you decide to visit your big brother out of the blue? If its for more training lessons than you will have to wait a while. I'm quite busy at the moment,” Ammon said as he poured me a cup of water. 

I didn't say any thing. I looked at him, studying him. His dark circles seemed to have returned. He looked a little tired too. I thought things were going well since Anka had been visiting brother but perhaps something happened?

“Can't I just come to visit my big brother for no reason?” I asked, pouting. This seemed to relax him a bit and he smiled.

“Oh really?” he asked, raising his eyebrows in disbelief. I rolled my eyes and he let a small chuckle escape him.

“Is something wrong? You seem a bit tensed,” I asked. Immediately his whole demeanor changed. His eyes became cold and distant. His shoulder tensed up.

Probably shouldn't have asked that.

“Nothing I can't handle,” he said, falling back into the chair.

“Is it about Jabari?” I asked, a little hesitant. Aahotep had told that Ammon was the one in charge of investigating about father's murder so he perhaps he was on edge because of the recent news. I know I was.

Ammon's eyes shot up to meet mine. Confusion mixed with fear was written all over his face.

“Wha... How?” he said, stuttering.

“Aahotep told me everything,” I whispered. Ammon froze. He was looked too shocked so I continued to explain to him the events of the previous night.

“Well, that's um... good that you know... I guess,” Ammon said takibg the information in.

I could still couldn't believe I knew. He looked sad. Like he had just aged another twenty years or so.

“I'm sorry I lied to you about everything,” Ammon said. His eyes didn't meet mine.

“It's ok. I know you did it to protect me. I probably would have done the same thing if I was in your place,” I said, taking in his hand. I didn't want my brother to feel bad about anything. He did it for my sake and I was ok with that.

He looked at me, his eyes searching mine for forgiveness. I squeezed his hand to reassure him it was alright.

“I'm also sure its not Jabari. He is our uncle after all so there is just no way it's him,” I said with a confidence.

“And what if it is?” Ammon asked, looking so sad my heart tore.

“I believe he is innocent. If it is him then maybe someone framed him. You know Jabari, more than me. He is like a second father to both of us. He couldn't have committed such a crime,” I said firmly. I believed what I said and hopefully so will Ammon. He gave me a small smile but I knew he was preparing for the worst.

If this was his condition after finding out that Jabari was a possible candidate for killing father than what would Anka do if she found out?

“Well you should get back now. I have a bit of work I need to to. So its best if you left,” Ammon said getting up.

"Must I?" I asked, pouting and gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes I could manage.

“Come on, I will walk you to out,” Ammon said ruffling my hair. I continued to pout but it didn't seem to work so I got up mumbling about how he didn't care or love me anymore.

“Be good and get some rest. Don't worry too much it isn't him I'm sure,” I said, before leaving.

“Let's hope your right and don't let anyone know this especially Anka,” Ammon said, sternly.

Don't worry I won't,” I said, turning around and walked in the direction of my room.

Looks like things just keep getting complicated.


So Jabari is the new suspect. What do you guys think of him? Do you think he killed Adio or do you think he is framed? Leave a comment and let me know. 😊❤

Am extremely sorry that I haven't updated in a while and also sorry that this chapter was small. Anyway hope you enjoyed it and please stay tuned for the rest cause its about to get quite interesting 😋

Also there is this magical star 🌟 at the bottom of the screen that magically glows if you press it. Don't believe me then try it and see.

With love,
Your Lazy Author. ❤

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