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Kind words are short and easy to speak but their echos are truly endless.

- Mother Teresa.

Aahotep's Pov

The summer heat was always so bothersome not to mention the evening breeze which was now hot and humid, that attracted fly's and mosquitoes which enjoyed to stick to the sweat of one's body.

The palace was noisy with the preparations for the coronation ceremony. I could hear it all the way to my chambers which was situated deep inside the palace. I really didn't understand why so much work had to go into crowning someone the Pharoah. Too many resources were wasted on something so stupid.

My head hurt as I looked down on the desk cover with various scripts and papyrus. I lay back and massaged my temples hoping it would give me some relief.

I had been working on a plan to improve communications with the fourth cataract for the last two weeks and I was no where close to an answer and this infuriated me.

Egypt ruled a vast empire that stretched from Syria in west Asia, to the fourth cataract of the Nile River. Since my father, Akhenaten died the country was in chaos. I was sure that the Hittites would not let this chance slip by and probably try to wage another attack again. For this I had to be able to interact with the borders in a quicker and more efficient way so that I could minimize the bloodshed. 

More than that the riot caused by the nobles were increasing. It's time I shut their mouths for good I thought.

My mind wandered towards my father. Father was indeed considered to be a great Pharaoh by his people, someone kind and compassionate, but to me he had always been a vile and vicious man who's main aim was to train me to be a suitable heir to uphold his ultimate vision.

From the day I was born, my fate was sealed. I had to follow in his footsteps. Therefore, my father personally trained me in all aspects varying from politics to the art of sword fighting and everything in-between. It wasn't because he cared for me or loved me that he did so, but because he didn't trust anyone else to do it.

The only people he did trust was his childhood friend Adio, who was now the General of the royal army and his personal servant, Abu. He did not even trust my mother, the queen and his first wife, Nefertiti. Even though I was a Prince, I had trained harder than most of the soldiers in the army. I was literally covered in sweat and sometimes blood everyday. I was allowed to rest only if I wasn't well.

To everyone he might have been a kind and compassionate king but to me he was a ruthless person who thought of only himself and the prosperity of the kingdom before his family or anyone else, or so I thought until couple of months back.

It was when my father was ill and on his deathbed. I was going to update him about the damages done to a village near the southern border by a group of bandits, when I overheard the conversation between him and Adio.

It was about how he wanted to be a better father but the circumstances weren't in his favour and so on. Till then I had truly hated the man. The very thought of him made me wince. But when I had heard what he had said I was quite frankly shocked. And when he passed, I even cried a little which was quite astonishing given our relationship. Maybe just maybe I might not have hated him as much as I thought.

Even if I knew he felt guilty for the way he treated me I could still never forget what I had been through. I was old enough to know his vision was indeed something that would benefit us all but it still wasn't enough for me to forgive him fully.

Lately I wasn't sure if I could uphold father's vision. I couldn't trust anyone except for Adio, Abu and a few other people. I let out a deep breath as I remembered the events of the court that had taken place in the afternoon.

For the coronation ceremony I had to get married as it was tradition. I was strongly against this as it wasn't the right time for marriage. I mean the country was in a state of total chaos since their most beloved Pharaoh died. Marriage was the least of my problems right now. But the council thought else wise. Did those old nut shells think of anything other than traditions and customs for a change? 

I got up from my seat so I could get some fresh air. My head was throbbing at this point and I was frustrated. Everything was a mess. So much to do and not enough time.

I headed to meet Adio. Maybe he could provide some insight on a few of the problems that I felt looked like a dead end.


Hiii guys. How are you doing. This chap was based on our going to be crowned Pharaoh. Like him, hate him? Leave a comment and let me know.

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Hope you guys have an amazing and totally awesome day. Love ya!! ❤❤

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