Special Chap two

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To love and to be loved is truly a blessing and one must do well to cherish it.


Hope you guys enjoy the music ❤❤

Anka's Pov

The soft rays of the sun filled my room with warmth. I smiled, my eyes still closed as I inhaled deeply, savouring the moment. I rolled in my bed for a few more minutes before deciding to get up.

I sat on my bed and yawned like a camel. I tried to stretch my arms but realised that the cotton sheets were wrapped around me. I sighed and struggled to free myself as I did so every morning.

Walking slowly towards the bathroom I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

Man did I look terrible. My hair was poking in every direction known to man and I immediately knew it would take me forever to tame it. My pale blue night gown was all wrinkled, my face still pale but not as bad as before. I was starting to get some colour into me recently thanks to Ammon. Ammon!!!!! My eyes grew wide upon realisation. I was supposed to meet him today.

I quickly hurried to the bathroom and took a bath that lasted about ten minutes. I rushed out and threw on the first nice dress I could find. It was a dark green linen dress that reached a little below my knee. It has small glass beads a shade lighter embedded randomly on the dress finishing it. I then dug through my jewellery box to find a pair of suitable earnings. I found a pair of emerald drops and a sleek silver bracelet. Perfect, I thought and put them on.

I then put on some black eye paste. I tried my best to brush down my wild hair but I ended up braiding it so it didn't look too much of a lost cause. I sprayed a bit of my special scent as I always did before leaving and then bolted out the door. I hoped I wasn't too late.

We were supposed to meet near a tree that resided on the bank of the river Nile. I got there in about fifteen minutes.

I saw Ammon was already there. He had his back towards me as he was darting some pebbles across the water. I watched as one of them graciously skid across the water. Beautiful I thought.

A small smile made its way towards my face. He really loved to do this often. He told me it relaxed him. I was about to make my way towards him when I stopped myself.

Maybe I could sneak up on him this time and give him a scare, I thought. I had been trying to sneak up on him for a while now but I was never able too. Maybe this time I could.

I tiptoed as silently as I could. Before I could jump on him he turned around.

"Your quite late you know," He said in a calm voice. Man I swear this guy had eyes at the back of his head.

"Ugh... Why can I never sneak up on you?" I asked as I sat beside him with a defeated face.

"Because I can smell you from a mile away," Ammon said with a popsicle grin. My heart skipped a beat at his grin.

"Huh?" I asked a little confused.

"Your perfume. That's what gives you away," he said smiling at me. Again my heart seemed to skip a beat. How could it not. His lips were so perfect and soft and..... I shook my head. What the matter with me?

"Well then next time I won't wear it," I said firmly. I was determined to sneak up on him at least once.

"But I kind of like that spicy smell mixed with that sweet scent. It suits you quite well," Ammon said. I could feel my cheeks heat up instantly and I looked away before he could notice. Stop saying things like that you idiot.

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