Chapter 42:Neith finds out the truth

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A bitter truth is always better than the sweetest lies.


Neith' Pov

I was heading towards Ammon's room frantically. I had to see him. I wonder why he disappeared on me. Everything was in chaos. Aahotep was unconscious, the Hittites army was on its way for war and Ammon was no where to be seen. Things could seriously not get any more worse than this.

We had kept Omar locked in a cell for the time being. The Queens are still unconscious so the Kings were by their side. They had promised to provide aid against the Hittites but by the time their troops would reach the battlefeild the war would have already begun. We had sent a message to the Hittites kingdom to reconsider what they were about to do but I doubt they would even read it.

"Ammon you in there?" I asked while banging the door of his quarters. There was no answer. I tried to push the door and it opened.

"Ammon if this is another prank I swear I will knock your head off," I said as I made my way to his room.
Still no reply. Where could he possibly be? I already searched for him everywhere. What could be so important that he had to leave now of all times.

I was about to leave the room when something caught my eye. On his desk a papyrus was standing vertically. I walked over and picked it up.

To Aahotep,

I know for a while that you have suspected me as the spy. I wish I could deny your suspicion but unfortunately I can not. I am the spy for the Nobels. I have my reasons and I wish I could have told you this under better circumstances. Below are the list of Nobels that are against your regime. It took me a while but I have managed to get most of their names. I am extremely sorry for everything I have done till now. Please take care of my sister. You're all she has now. I have gone to take care of something and I doubt I'll make it out alive. Please do tell her that I am extremely sorry. There is a letter in the first left drawer for Anka. Please do make sure it reaches her.

I couldn't read on. I just couldn't. There was no way my brother was a traitor. It just wasn't true. It couldn't, it can't be. I sank onto the floor. My whole world came crashing down. It was a prank. Yes, a silly little prank.

"You got me Ammon. You can come out now," I said laughing. I must be a total idiot. I can't believe I fell for his stupid trick. He probably tease me forever now.

"Ammon? Its not funny anymore come out now," I said again a little louder.

"Neith? Are you here?" I heard Anka's voice.

"Anka? Ya I'm in Ammon's room," I called out. In a few seconds I saw Anka entering the room.

"Why are you on the floor Neith?" Anka asked looking confused.

"Ohh right. Ammon is playing a stupid game on me. Look at this. I thought it was true and well kinda almost lost my mind for a minute. I'm gonna go look for that idiot." I said handing Anka the note.

I left the room. Maybe he is hiding in the kitchen. Ya he always hid in the kitchen when we used to play hide and seek as kids. It was so easy to find him since you could hear him eat. I laughed as I recalled his face which was plastered with crumbs. He never really tried to hid that dumb idiot.

"Neith" I heard Anka call my name.

"What is it Anka?" I shouted back.
Anka didn't continue so I went back to the room.

"Oh dear Aten," I said as I rushed towards Anka. She was unconscious on the floor. She had two papyrus in her hand. One was the papyrus I had given and the other was addressed to her. I guess this was the one Ammon was talking about. I sprinkled some water on her but she still didn't get up.

"Ammon get down here. This isn't funny anymore," I screamed angrily. Where the hell was he? He probably stepped out for some fresh air that's why he isn't responding I thought.

I ran outside and spotted a guard nearby. I ran towards him. He seemed startled and he took a second to make me out before bowing.

"Yes, your highness. What can I do for you?" He asked.

"My friend. She fainted. Help me get her to the swnw (doc)," I said. He followed me immediately and we took her to the swnw (doc). I kept the papyrus inside my pockets. Anka probably thought that the note was true. Sheesh that girl could never take a joke.

The swnw examined her and said she fainted cause of some kind of shock. He said that she would wake up in her own time. She just needed to rest up a bit. I was relived and headed out. I thanked the solider who helped me carry Anka.

I needed some fresh air so I went to the rose garden and sat under a big tree. I messaged my temples hoping it would ease my headache. I looked up and saw the sun was almost setting. I hadn't realised how fast the day had gone by. My body was beyond tired. I hadn't slept in over four days. I really needed to sleep, my entire body craved it. I took out the note and read it again. This time I went through the names part as well.

There were nearly twenty five names written. I laughed at it and shook my head there was no way any of them could be the rebels. Jabari was on the list as well. He was Anka's dad. It just wasn't possible. But the name that caught my eye wasn't his. It was the last name. In Brackets Ammon wrote that he suspects this person. I had to say my brother really had a twisted sense of humour.

"Your highness," I heard Gaya shout as she ran towards me.

"What happened now?" I asked with a frown.

"Its Maiu. She's awake," Gaya said as she took in beep breaths.

I jumped on my feet. Finally someone who could give us some answers.

I walked up to the a frail Maiu. She seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

"Neith," she whispered as she looked up.

"Ya I'm here," I said sitting beside her.

"Come closer I need to tell you something," she whispered again. I leaned in.

"The one who tried to kill me was Aahotep's mother," Maiu said before she slipped into unconsciousness again.

No, it couldn't be. I stared at Maiu. It couldnt be.

I took out Ammon's note and saw the last name again

25. Aahotep's mother (not sure)

This means that Ammon was telling the truth. My brother really was a traitor.


Hii guys. I'm back 😋. My exams finally got over soo yay!!!!

How did you guys like this chap? Did you expect this twist or you totally shocked by this development 😁. Comment and let me know.

So I'm planning on doing a special chapter for celebrating Neith crossing 6k views. So what would you like to read

1. A childhood memory of Ammon and Neith

2. The story of Neith's parents Adio and Akila

3. A story of Ammon and Anka

I will mostly put it as my next chapter 😊.

Hope you guys have an awesome day. Love ya!! 😘❤❤

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