Chapter 40:Neith takes a Stand

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Hii guys 🤗. The new cover for Neith has been chosen. Yay!!! 😍😆❤.
This one got the most votes so thank you guys for voting 😊.

Lets start this chap shall we 😸.

Neith's Pov

"Neith we have a major problem." Gaya said panicking as she halted in front of me. She seemed out of breath. Gaya was the servant who attended to me when Maiu couldn't.

"Calm down Gaya. You look like you have seen a ghost." I said looking worried. I got up from where I sat and got a glass of water. I gave it to her to drink it. She did without hesitation. In two seconds she was done.

"Your highness, downstairs is... They... um.. The other kingdoms, they are quarrelling. It seems to be getting more and more heated by the moment," Gaya said looking frightened.
I sighed, can this day get any worse?

"Did you find Ammon? He is supposed to be there," I said looking confused. When he said he had to take care of something I assumed it was to check on the King's and Queen's of the other kingdoms.

"No, he isn't there. I checked. I even asked one of the guard that was stationed there. He said hadn't seen him since the Pharaoh collapsed." Gaya said, still panicking.

"Alright I'll be down soon," I said as I ran past her, heading towards my room.

Damn it Ammon. Where did you disappear off to? You know I can't handle these kind of situations. Both Aahotep and Ammon abandoned me, leaving me to handle this incredibly delicate situation on my own. Damn it I totally suck at these kind of things. How am I supposed to calm down when the leaders of powerful kingdoms are quarrelling? Both those idiots shall pay for doing this to me.

I reach my room and head straight to my wardrobe. I search through it to find a suitable dress. Even I know I can't barge in wearing my training outfit (that's what I'm currently wearing). I need to look presentable. Where is Anka when I need her.

I was practically digging through the wardrobe when the doors opened with a bang. I looked up to see Anka standing there in her silk red night gown. Her hair looked like a crow's nest. She was panting like a bull and was dripping with sweat. All in all she looked like a mummy who just came alive.

"Oh my god, your back! I was soo worried." Anka said as she threw herself on me and hugged the life out of me.

"Ahh!! I'm fine. Let me go now," I managed to say. Damn her hugs can kill. She let go.

"You don't seem to look like your injured," she said examining me.

"And you look like a monster who came to life," I replied.

"Tell me what happened," Anka demanded.

"I will but right now I need you help. Pick out a dress for me." I said looking into the drawers.

"Well what are you dressing up for?" Akila asked. She seemed to get that I was in a hurry.

"Something that will help me break up a heated argument between the neighbouring kingdoms." I said.

"That's pretty tough to choose a dress for," Anka said as she joined in on the search.

After fifteen minutes I was in a soft yellow gown with pleats wearing my crown. If I was going to deal with such powerful people I needed to look my part too. I went down remembering to be graceful and respectful. I can not mess this up or Aahotep's peace treaty will go down in flames and I would not let that happen.

"We are leaving right now. I do not need to hear how to run my country from a idiot who has no idea how to wear a pair of pants!" Taharqa said as he pulled his wife Kandake's hand. He seemed to have steam coming from his ears.

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