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Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.

- Mark Twain

Hope you guys enjoyed the song. Love the music in this 😍

Aahotep's Pov

How did this happen, I thought as I was attending Adio's burial ceremony. It had been a week since his murder and I had no lead on any suspect. I couldn't entrust the investigation to anyone else other than Ammon, his son hence it was going slower then I liked it to. Abu too kept an ear out for news related to Adio.

This wasn't how things were supposed to go. How did it come to this? Adio was supposed to be investigating a small uproar that the Nobel's had started recently. I had come across this while I was passing by the corridor and over heard some servants talking about it. I had asked him to investigate it but I didn't know it would end up like this. I made a huge mistake in taking it so lightly. If they went as far as to kill Adio then there was more to this then I originally imagined.

I was lost in my own thoughts until the corner of my eye caught a glimpse of a small figure. It was a girl, probably twelve or so. She was curled up in a corner, sitting still. Her big brown eyes looked lifeless. I knew that look. It's the look of someone who had something precious taken away from them. Could that be Neith? I wondered.

I was about to approach her when, "Sir, could I talk to you about something," came a voice. I turned to see Ammon. He looked like he had lost weight. There were big dark circles around his eyes. It was apparent that his dad's death took a heavy toll on him. I remembered the day I told him about his father's death. He was so shocked to move. It took him a few seconds to utter something, and the first thing that he did utter was Neith. He was so worried about how she would react.

I had heard quite a lot about Neith from Adio too. Whenever he mentioned her his eyes would light up. Clearly she was adored by both her father and brother.

''Is that Neith?" I asked Ammon. He looked over and nodded. So I was right. She probably needed someone's company right now mostly her brother's.

"Whatever, you want to tell me, it can wait. First go talk to your sister and rest up. You look awful." I said looking at him.

"But sir..."

"No but's, do as I say," I cut him off. He was probably pushing himself to work so he could distract himself but that wouldn't do anyone, any good. He stood there and gave it a thought before heading towards Neith. I looked at them. As soon as Ammon had arrived, her face completely changed. She was now concerned about him. Guess she noticed her brother wasn't doing well too.

I smiled slightly. This was what a family should be like, always looking out for each other. I felt a pull at my heart. It wasn't supposed to end this way. I said a small prayer and turned to leave. There was a lot of work to be done. I gave them a glance one last time before I departed. There was no need to be too worried. They had each other and that would help them get through this.


A few days later...

I frowned as I looked at the letter in my hand. It was a letter seeking leave of absence from Abu. Abu didn't fall sick and even if he did occasionally he never stopped coming in even though my father insisted he take the day off. For him to send in this letter must mean something was wrong.

My stomach churned. Could something bad have happened to him? Maybe he was poisoned because he found out something? No, no I was over thinking things right? I stared at the note one last time before getting up. I'll just drop by causally and see if things are all right with him.

I made my way down the flight of stairs and through the various corridors, my mind thinking back to the old days were servants or as it was back then slaves were never allowed to rest. Even if they fell ill their masters you enjoy torturing them. Such inhumane acts. After my father ascended to the throne such systems were removed.

I was only a few more minutes away from Abu's chambers now. I was glad I came to check on him in person. He had done so much for our family. This was the least I could do for him.

I knocked on the double door with a slight but loud enough thud. Since Abu wasn't married he lived alone. He had devoted his life to serve my father and now me.

The door opened by a pale pair of hands. "Sire?" came a husky and barely audible voice.

"Yes, its me. I just came by to check up on you," I said entering his chamber.

''You didn't have to do that for an old man like me sire," he said as he straightened out the bed sheet for me to sit on.

"Please sit sire, I will go and fetch something to drink," he said as he went to an adjoining room.

"Abu, you don't have to do that. It's..." but he was already gone before I could finish. Great I probably shouldn't have come. Now I made a sick man prepare something for me. I sighed. Sometimes I wish I was normal so people wouldn't keep being so formal.

Just as I was waiting for Abu to come back the door creaked. I turned around to see who it was. I heard someone call Abu. After a few seconds I see a girl entering. She scanned the room and when her eyes met mine she froze instantly. I frowned a little as I tried to recall where I had seen this familiar face and then it hit me.

"Neith?" I asked as I remembered the small fragile girl I had seen at Adio's funeral.


So did you guys guess this? Wonder what will happen how. What do you think will happen? Leave a comment and let me know.

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