Chapter 49: Is this the End?

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It's better to burn out than fade away.


Hey guys. I'm sorry for updating late but I hope this chap makes up for it (I don't think it will tho 😅). I also wanted to tell u all that Neith has completed her first year on Wattpad 🎆🎉🎊🎇 (Started writing on 15th August 2016) which also is the day my country India got it's independence (I'll never forget Neith's anniversary ever 😂😂). So thank you guys soo much for all ur support and love 😘❤❤. You all mean the world to me. *Sending out lots of kisses and hugs* 💞💟💗💝💖

Hope you guys enjoy the song 😊❤.

Naoki's Pov

Thirst and sweat were what is left of me as I lay inside my makeshift tent with my horse all curled up in a corner. The sandstorm outside seems to be subsiding meaning I would have to leave soon but my body and mind begged for some rest. I hoped the sandstorm had slowed down Khen. Hopefully he was just as weak as his friends were so I won't have a hard time defeating him, well that is if I find him first.

Zen was exhausted from travelling all night and through the wee hours of the morning but he didn't make too much of a fuss about it. I guess even he sensed the situation I was in was bad and for that I was truly grateful. If we managed to stop Khen then I would buy him a dozen apples as a treat. My water bag was almost empty and I saved the rest of the water for Zen. He needed it more than I did.

"Alright buddy we have rested long enough. Need to get going," I said as I got up. Neighing loudly he seemed to disprove of my idea and didn't budge.

"Come on boy we really must get going," I said again. This time he got up slowly and made his was out of the tent, his head hung low. He really did seem tired and as much as my heart ached at the pain I was causing him I had to keep moving.

The sandstorm had calmed down but there was still a mild cloud of dust in the air. I put the scarf around my nose and mouth and started to walk beside my horse. He really couldn't handle me riding him now. We had made good time so hopefully we catch him soon.

We dragged on through the desert for a few more hours before Zen began to act strangely. At first I thought he was making another fuzz but after a minute or so I realised he had spotted something in a distance.

Squinting my eyes I could see an outline of what seemed to be a black cloth of some sort but I couldn't be sure since the sun's rays was blinding. For all I know both of us were too dehydrated and began seeing things. I moved forward with precaution non the less.

As I approached what I thought was a cloth turned out to be a tent. I hopped off Zen and kept a finger to my lips so he wouldn't make any sort of sound. I moved in as fast and quietly as I could. I was so glad I caught up to Khen at this stage since it was probably only a few hours to the Hittites camp site.

I removed my sword and slowly moved the flaps of the tent. Inside lay a sleeping man. His sword lay next to him. I moved in slowly taking my time with each step. I first moved towards the sword first, picked it up carefully so I did not wake up Khen and threw it out. After throwing it I moved in on him and poked him slightly with the tip of my sword.

He didn't seem to budge. I poked him again but he still didn't budge. Was the man dead or something? I moved in closer to inspect the man and that's when I saw it. I jumped back in a flash but the damage was already down. Clenching my side I could feel something hot and sticky flowing out.

"I don't think you could capture me that easily general," Khen said with a smile on his face as he held out the dagger he slashed me with. I would probably have been dead within seconds if I hadn't moved back in time but that doesn't mean I was safe either. My cut was deep and if I didn't get it immediately treated I would probably die. Damn it, I should have been more cautious.

"Something got your tongue general? You seem to be awfully quite," Khen still continued.

I knelt down clenching my side to try and stop the bleeding. The pain pulsed through my body and I could feel my heart beat rising. This was not how it will end.

"Drop your weapon and I'll perhaps make sure you won't suffer," Khen said smirking.

"Like I'll ever to that," I said through gritted teeth. I held up my sword with my other hand but my hand was trembling too much to hold it steadily.

"Someone seems to be scared to die," Khen said moving in. With one swift blow he sent my sword flying into the air and held the dagger at my throat.

"Well I'll make sure you join your ancestors soon dear boy," he said and raised his dagger to strike.

"I don't think I'll be joining them anytime soon," I said as I removed my own hidden dagger from behind my back and threw it at Khen, as I rolled to my side.

It seemed to have hit the spot I aimed for, right in the heart. I could see his brown top stain with crimson red as it soaked up all the fibers around his chest, a look of horror passed by his face as he realised what had just happened.

His dagger fell to the ground and he followed a second later. On impact my dagger pierced him even deeper that I thought. There was no way he survived that.

I looked down to inspect my wound. Damn it, it was really bad. I already seemed to have lost a lot of blood by now. There was no way I could make the trip back to camp in this condition, I don't even think I could make it to my horse but it didn't mean I wouldn't try.

I scanned the room to find alcohol. I spotted a bottle and trying not to move too much I grabbed the liquid and poured a bit on my wound.

It burned so badly I immediately felt nauseous. I also gulped it down fast, hoping it would take my mind off the pain. How did people drink this? I mean it's absolutely disgusting.

Tearing a long strip of linen from the dead man, I soaked it in the drink and wrapped my wound with it. The blood didn't seem to stop flowing out but it did slow down a bit.

Alright let's make it back to camp.

I took a step forward and the whole world seemed to spin. Ohh no no no.... I sat down and held my head. The blackness was slowly starting to wrap itself around me like poison. My limbs felt heavy and numb. I guess the rush of my fight was gone leaving me to feel its after effect.

I had to get up. If I didn't I know I would die. I urged my feet to move. If only I got to Zen he would be able to carry me back. But my legs wouldn't co-operate.

I can't die, not now, not like this. I can't break the promise I made to Aahotep or Anka.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chap (Probably not 😅) Please don't hate me, it was quite necessary. I never said this story was a happy one.

So what do you think will happen next? Do you still think Egypt will win the war? What do you think will happen when when Aahotep finds out about Neith? What will Anka do? Leave a comment and let me know.

Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day/evening or night 😅. I'm soo sorry about the ending 😭.

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