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"Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting from your being here."

~Neil Gaiman

First of all I wanna thank everyone who has supported me to get to this point. Twenty chapters have been completed in this series thanks to all of your support. Love you guys and thank you 😘😘.

Secondly I am extremely sorry for updating this chapter so late. Was tied up with projects and tests 😥.
Also I apologize in advance if I don't post that frequency as I usually do cause my exams will be starting real soon 😭😭. Anyway hope you enjoy this one 😁.

Aahotep's Pov

I sat on the bed inside the royal ship Kheops, vaguely feeling the sway of the ship against the waves. Travelling by ship always made me feel slightly nauseous. I tried to avoid it as much as I could. Couldn't have the Pharaoh of Egypt throw up cause of a little swaying.

But this time I really didn't have a choice. I had to get to Sais fast. The Hittites had launched an attack on the small town and I had to go inspect the severity of the situation.

Usually I would have sent someone else to check on it but given how close Sais is to Amarna and how they choose to attack when I was getting married made me want to come in person. Besides it would serve me well to travel to different parts of my country once in a while.

But those weren't the only worries I had. My mind drifted towards the small girl I had left back, Neith. I hope she doesn't do anything stupid while I'm gone. I guess she was out of danger the second she became my wife, but I still asked Ammon to keep an eye on her. Perhaps they might even settle their differences.

The thing that truly bothered me was the fact that she said she wanted to discuss something in private. Did she find out anything on her own, or was it one of her many complaints? I couldn't tell.

It would mostly take us about two days time before we got back home.
To think they would attack this town was beyond belief. They started making bolder moves. I wondered if they were planning to start a war again. It seemed that way for now at least.

I sighed, I hated dealing with the war. I hated killing people for no apparent reason. To take away a life for the sake of protecting our own country never sat right with me. This had to end. I will make sure of it. I never want anyone to suffer let it be the soldiers in this country or the other. Since it's come to this I guess I have no other way but to move my plan ahead of schedule.

After about a few hours travelling down stream and riding the horse for another hour we finally arrived at Sais.

As I entered the town I felt a bit relieved to see that it wasn't completely destroyed. But it still had been beaten down pretty badly.

We walked around and saw things scattered everywhere. I could see black smoke rise into the sky in the distance.

So they already burnt the dead.

We moved in further and came across the broken houses and destroyed shops. People were cleaning the blood stained pavements, theirs faces held grief and anger.

They seemed to have noticed our presence and looked up. They're distraught faces lit up and soon they surrounded us almost instantly. We continued to move along until we came to a slightly larger house.

''Your Highness, you didn't have to travel so far to see us peasants especially on your wedding day,'' said Yafeu, the chief of the town.

''Yes, your Highness we can take care of the damage ourselves. We wouldn't want you to trouble yourself,'' said one of the town's people and the other seemed to agree.

I felt happy that they seemed to be so considerate but at the same time it made me a little sad too. They deserved so much better than this.

''It's my duty to serve this country and its civilians so its really no burden at all,'' I said with a small smile.

I stayed back and helped out with the work load so that things would get done faster. I also asked Yafeu to make a complete report on the incident and submit it to me in a week. I appointed a few soldiers to help rebuild the town back and left a few trusted people to investigate this separately. After that we set sail back to Amarna.

I had stayed up all night. I couldn't sleep. The thought that the Hittites might attack again kept lingering in my mind.

I wanted to move my plan ahead of schedule. But was it alright to implement the plan so soon? If by chance they don't agree then all the hard work I, Adio and my father had put would have all gone to waste.

I rolled about on the bed. How can I sleep when there was so much to do? If Adio was here he would have been able to have given me some sort of suggestion. He would have known what to do.

I got up and climbed out of the small room and onto the deck of the ship. As soon as I stepped outside, the cool salty breeze hit me in the face. I walked up to the edge and just stood there watching the moon glow while the stars danced among the clouds.

Even though the swaying of the boat made me feel sick I still loved how the gust of the wind hit my face. It was so refreshing from staying locked up in the palace.

It made me feel like I was in a different world, a free world. The docks were pretty empty since it was quite late. It was rare for me to get this sort of alone time outside. It felt so refreshing. I gazed at the stars once again.

Father, if your up there please give me your guidance. I need it now more than ever, I prayed.

I stayed up for a little while, just enjoying the solitude before going back to bed.

We finally reached Amara by evening the next day. I went directly to my room to have a bath and clean up myself. The thing about being on a ship was that no one bathed.

After that I went to meet Neith. I wanted to check if she was alright. I knocked on her door but no answer came. So I opened the doors and entered only to find it empty.

I was about to head back when I heard noises from beyond the balcony. I made my way over and looked down.

To my surprise I saw Ammon and Neith taking and laughing. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying but whatever it was seemed to have helped them make up.

That was good for both of them. Now I hoped Ammon won't look like a resurrected mummy . After a few minutes they got up and left. I guess she would be headed up to the room, so I decided to wait for her.

A few minutes later the door opened and Neith's eyes found mine.

''So you and Ammon finally made up huh?'' I said, smirking. She stood frozen, just like the first time I had met her. Guess she wasn't expecting me this time either.


Aww how cute. I really love Aahotep. He has such a big heart. 😍😍.

So hope you guys liked this chapter.

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Thank you soo much for guys. Love you ppl 😘😘. Have a good day. 😊

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