Thirty Nine: The Truth

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There is a reason for every darkness, for every soul that turned was because its light was stolen.


Hope you guys enjoy the music 😊❤.

Ammon's Pov

I sat adjacent to Aahotep. He seemed peaceful and calm. His face relaxed and the slight frown he always wore wasn't there. He seemed his age for a change and not someone who was a hundred and ten.

I let out a sign. Things were too entangled, too .. um what's the word.. messed up. I was assigned to kill Aahotep but I couldn't. That's why I reduced the poison content so he would be paralysed for a short while.

The question you might be asking is why. Why would I do such a thing? Why was I the mole? So let me tell you my side to the story.

My mother Akila was the most amazing woman I had ever know. She was a warm and kind mother and a loving wife. She was my whole world. I adored her like any son who loves his mom and when she passed my perfect world came crashing down.

My father too was distraught, he too couldn't handle the pain of mom's passing so he worked himself to exhaustion. He was barely home and so I was left alone to look after Neith. I never blamed dad for it because I knew that he was suffering more than I could fathom.

Neith was my salvation. She was my little bundle of joy that the heavens gave me. She would always look at me with those big brown eyes, same as mother's and all I could see was light. She would always laugh and that laughter was what kept me and dad from completely breaking apart.

Just when I thought that things were getting better Neith fell terribly ill. The swnw said she most probably wouldn't make it. Now you could imagine what that did to me. I ran to Aten's temple and collapsed, completely breaking down as I cried like a baby. It was there that my fate changed.

A pair of hands wrapped themselves around me. I looked up to see a fragile man smiling at me. He seemed to be too old to be alive. I wiped the tears and asked him who he was. He said he was a friend who could help me save my sister. Little did I know his true intentions.

I was confused as to how he knew about my sister but I didn't dwell much on it. So I asked him the next question that popped into my mind, how? He gave me a small vile and told me to give it to Neith. I took the vile suspiciously in my hand. I asked him how I could trust anything he said. He smiled and said that I should just have faith and with that he disappeared.

I walked back home and went to see Neith. Dad was sleeping beside her. He seemed to have cried as his lashes were a little wet. I took out the small vile and examined it. Did that old man really mean what he said? Could this really save Neith? I was so confused.

After what felt like eternity I decided to give it a try. Besides if I don't do anything she will die. But if I give her the liquid in the vile there was a chance she would survive. So I poured the contents into her mouth. I waited and waited for something to happen. I didn't know when I drowsed off but when I woke up Neith seemed to be recovering. Dad was over joyed and so was I.

I went back to the temple hoping I could meet with the old man again and thank him. Instead I meet a rather young man wearing the royal army crest. He asked me to follow him so he could take me to see the old man. I blindly followed not thinking twice of how fishy the whole situation was.

After a while I entered a room. It was poorly lit so I could only make out the outline of the things inside. The old man was seated along with a few more people although I couldn't really see their faces.

The old man addressed me and asked how my sister was doing. I immediately lit up and told him she was doing well and thanked him for his medicine. He smiled and said it was alright. He then spoke of how he got the medicine. How Aten and the new religion brought about chaos to our world. Basically he brainwashed me onto believing the Aahotep's father was nothing but a scum and that they needed my help to save the people of this land. I only had to provide a few of father's papers to him.

At that time I believed every word they said naturally since I was made to believe that my mother's death and Neith's illness was because of this new order so I did as I was told but as I grew older I started getting suspicious.

One day I had had enough so I told them that I wanted to quit. This was when things got really twisted. They tried to convince me to stay but when I wouldn't budge they threatened to harm my family. I knew that they meant it so I had no other option but to comply and go with whatever they said.

So one day when I was let's say stealing a few important documents father spotted me. I tried to make up some kind of excuse but I knew he wasn't buying it. He had always wondered how the rebels knew of things they were planning and he had his suspicions but now he knew who the traitor was.

I had expected him to get angry or yell maybe even call the guards but he just stood there looking at me. His eyes told me he blamed himself for this. Those eyes pierced my soul and for the first time I really understood the gravity of the situation I was in.

I was about to tell him everything but one of the ministers stabbed a blade into father's heart while I just stood there frozen and by the time I rushed to his side he was already dead. His eyes still fixed on me. These eyes still haunt me to this very day. I might have not been the one who stabbed my father but I was every bit responsible for his death as the one who killed him. And I shall always carry that guilt in this life and the next.

After father died I knew I had to do something but the thing was I couldn't. Over the years the organisation had grown so large that I didn't know how many of them were there. So I made a plan to find the leaders of the organisation. I only knew of the old man but there were many more. They kept their identities a secret for obvious reasons.

Over the years I had collected the names and I had only a few more to go. My intention was to find them all and submit it to Aahotep so he could take the required action needed. But I guess I have to change my plans a little bit.

"Ammon!" Neith screamed. I turned around and saw her frowning.

"Why are you shouting?" I asked looking confused.

"I called you like five times. Are you ok? You seemed a little pale," Neith asked as she came up to me. She seemed to be concerned.

"Sorry, I was just lost in thought. Well since you're back I leave Aahotep in your capable hands," I said as I got up from the chair.

"Where are you going?" Neith asked still looking worried.

"Hey if you keep that frown on your face all the time you'll get wrinkles," I said poking her forehead.

"Hey, stop that. You still haven't answered me," Neith said shielding her forehead. I could see a small smile on her lips.

"I have some things I need to take care of. Might be gone a while so take care of Aahotep and yourself ok?" I said walking to the door.

"How long?" Neith asks.

"I don't know," I say honestly and with that I walk out before Neith could ask any more questions. 

This might probably be the last time I ever see her, since what I'm about to do next will most probably get me killed.


Hii guys. So as promised I have updated the chapter today 😆. So how did you like this one. Do you guys still hate Ammon? What reckless action do you think he will take and will he really die? Please comment and let me know. I love reading them 😄❤.

There is still a few more surprises to come. So stay tuned to find what they are 😉.

If you liked this chapter then press the small star at the bottom of the screen 🌟. Would really make my day 😊❤.

Hope you guys have an awesome day. Love ya!! ❤❤

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