Chapter 54: The End Part 3

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Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time.


Hope you enjoy the song. I love melodies and this one is just so beautiful I had to put it in. ❤❤

*Previous chap clip*

"That man, your father do you know what he did? To me, to his family? I loved him with all my heart but he didn't even care if I existed or not. You think I enjoyed killing your father? I had to... for you, for us," Mother said sobbing so much that the guards didn't dare move. She seemed to have broken down completely and all I could do was look at her with wide eyes as a slow agonising pain in my heart settled in.

So she really did kill father.

Continuing in Aahotep's Pov

"What exactly did your husband do that made you want to kill him?" Neith asked, as she slightly moved in her seat. I could tell that she too seemed surprised by my mother's outburst.

"What didn't he do. I was his first wife, the women who had stayed beside him ever since he was crowned. But he never cared for me. Not once. Even after I had our son, he still took no interest in me or our baby. He was always busy working. Although it did hurt to see him care about his work more than his family I never said anything. I kept all my feelings bottled up and was glad I could be at his side. But that all changed because of that woman," mother said. She had a murderous look in her eye.

"What woman?" I asked before Neith or anyone else could.

"Kira," my mother spat. She seemed to be recalling some foul memories. I could feel her hatred even from where I sat.

"Kira? Who is that?" I asked again. My browns deepened. What was she talking about?

"Your father had captured a few of the  Nubia spies. Among them was a woman named Kira. Your father was smitten by that woman," mother said through gritted teeth.

"She was a venomous snake that came into my life and poisoned everything. When your father was injured in battle he told me that he wanted to marry her. Whenever he said her name his eyes would lit up. I knew than that he had fallen for that women. All these years I stayed beside him, gave him everything I had and he wanted to marry a slave! Was I someone less than a slave?" Mother said, a few tears started to flow down her red face.

"I made sure non of his other wives would bear him children just because I feared that he might love them more than you but now a slave had owned his heart, something I had always tried but failed to do. It was because of her that he wanted to make peace with the neighboring lands. He was doing it all for her.

But I couldn't allow it so I killed him first and then Kira. If I couldn't have him no one could. That's why I headed the rebel group. The treaty was that woman's idea. How can I let it happen? Kidnapping Neith was my plan but I made sure she would be treated properly. I never meant to hurt you. I just had to stop the treaty from being signed," mother said looking at Neith, her face softened a bit.

"But that treaty will save thousands of lives. No more war or bloodshed. Why would you want to stop that? Just because it was an idea given by a slave?" Neith asked. Her voice cracked.

"Because it was her idea! Why don't you get it. That woman made me into this. She is a poisonous snake and any thing she wanted was never to be considered," mother said with such hate it made me flinch.

"Aahotep I did everything for you. So that you could be king. You can understand why I did it can't you?" mother asked looking at me. Her eyes begging me to understand her.

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