CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: A Not So Fatal Encounter

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Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.

- Helen Keller.

I love you guys 😘😘. Neith is ranked 40th on the hot list 😍😍. So THANK YOU guys sooo freaking much for your support. Also the book has crossed 1K views 😍 so I'm basically on cloud nine. Hope you guys continue to support my work and enjoy the story. 😊😊

Hope you like the song ❤❤.

Neith's Pov

My eyes widened and my body froze as I looked at the person standing in front of me. Was it really her?

''So, are you planning on letting me in?'' She asked, a small smile stretched across her face.

I blinked. I still couldn't believe that she was standing in front of my room. I moved to the side to let her in. Why did she come here?

The former queen of Egypt was standing in my room in all her glory. Her silk white night gown seemed to glow under the yellow flames. Her light brown hair was put into a bun, drawing attention her long slender neck. Her green eyes looked dense and dark, a complete contrast to how they looked in the day. Even in such plain clothing she still held the air of a royal. No one would ever mistake her for anything else.

She made her way to my bed and sat on it. I followed behind and took a seat on a wooden chair that faced her.

We hadn't really spoken, in fact we spoke only once when Aahotep introduced me to her and it was very brief. He made sure to keep us from meeting.

''The room looks nice but I don't think you like it, right?" she asked as she looked through the room. I looked at her, shocked. How did she know? As if she had read my mind she answered.

"Well for one you haven't unpacked your things or tried to organize the room so I had a feeling you didn't like it and with that look on your face I guess I'm right,'' she said, still smiling at me.

"No no, I really like the room. I was just a little busy with all the wedding preparations that's why I couldn't unpack," I said, nervously scratching my neck.

She was sharp, way to sharp. No wonder Aahotep kept me away from her. She would definitely get to know there was something fishy about our marriage if we had spent any time together. No one knew about the agreement between me and Aahotep other than Ammon and Anka.

''You know I still can't believe that he got married. That boy never wanted to, so I was quite shocked when he told me he was going to get married so suddenly. I didn't even get to hear how you guys met since he claims he is too busy to talk so I thought I would ask you myself,'' she said, making herself comfortable on the bed.

I took in a deep breath to calm myself. Aahotep had prepared me for these kinds of situations in advance. I prayed to Aten to help me get through this without exposing anything, but I think it wouldn't be that easy. After all she is his mother so I had to be extra careful. I couldn't screw this up.

''Oh that's a shame. He has become really busy these past weeks because of some uproar near the borders. I would be honored to tell you,'' I said as calmly as I could manage.

''Seems like you know quite a lot about his work,'' she said smirking at me. Another trait that he seemed to have inherited from his mother.

''Well yes, actually that's how we got to know each other. His Highness had come to meet Ammon one day and saw us sparing together. He seemed to be quite impressed with how I fought so he would visit often to watch me. After a while we kind of started liking each other,'' I said, trying not to choke while saying the last few words. The only thing I felt for him was hatred, nothing more but I wouldn't let her know that.

''Wow! So you know how to fight. He never mentioned that to me. So how long had it been going on?'' she asked curiously. She seemed to have believed my lie. This made me relax a little.

''Not that long. A few months,'' I said, trying not to go into specifics. The less I said, the better. But it seemed that she had other plans. She continued to question me for a while and than somewhere in-between we got off topic and started talking about random things like the palace and my family. She also spoke about a few rumors that the maids seemed to enjoy. It involved the royal cook and his so called affair with one of the cleaning ladies. Somehow our conversation brightened my mood.

''Well I better head back. It's getting late. You also get some rest. I don't think Aahotep would be coming anytime soon. I really need to have a word with him about this kind of behavior. Keeping his new wife waiting on your wedding night isn't good at all,'' she said, shaking her head in disapproval.

''It's fine. Something important must have come up for him to leave so soon,'' I said, smiling as sweetly as I could while I walked her to the door.

''Oh no, you mustn't encourage him. He needs to know how to balance his work and family life. Leave him to me dear. I'll make sure he gets it. Now go to bed straight away. Don't lose your beauty sleep because of him,'' she said with such a straight face I laughed. It felt good to laugh after a such a long time. We said good bye and somehow made plans to meet tomorrow.

I fell onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. I hope she didn't suspect anything. It was probably wise to avoid meeting her as much as possible but somehow I couldn't resist her invitation. It wouldn't be too bad to get to know my mother-in-law right?

I stayed up for an hour wondering what to do before dosing off, dreaming about cooks and maids.


I hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter. Seems like Aahotep's mother and Neith are getting along.

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Hope you guys have a great day. Love ya!! ❤❤

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