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Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will begin to change.

- Unknown.

Hope you guys like the music. It's really beautiful. 😍😍

Again sorry for the late update of the chapter. Hope you guys enjoy this one. 😊😁

Aahotep's Pov

I was back in my room. The familiar surrounds of red walls and the faint scent of musk made my body feel at ease instantly. No matter how beautiful the outside world was nothing could come close to the comfort you felt in your home.

I threw myself on the bed and sank right into it, my muscles relaxing against the soft cusion.

I let out a chuckle as I recalled what had happened a while ago in Neith's room. She was still a kid. Ah, I had such a good laugh after such a hectic day. She could cure any bad day I had.

I stared at the ceiling which shone with brilliant, vibrant colors against the flames of the torches that lit the large room. Tiny crystal like jems that were embedded onto the walls of the ceiling were the reason for this magnificent sight.

I felt nostalgic as I gazed longing at it. I felt memories of father pass by me. The room was a gift he had prepared for my coronation. I wasn't allowed near the room until things were complete. Even after Aten had claimed father's life I never entered it. I wanted to respect his wishes as this was the last thing I had received from him.

My father had a vision. He wanted to bring about peace between the neighboring lands and his. He actually had a plan in mind but died before he could execute it. Now that I have taken over his place its my duty to see to it that it would be done.

His plan was to have a peace treaty. Before this could happen he needed to be on good terms with the rulers of the neighboring lands.

He was able to bring about an understanding with the other countries to a certain extent except the Hitties. After his death I continued to strengthen the bonds. I was sure that in about another five or so years I would be able to approach them with the treaty but I had run out of time. I couldn't risk another attack from the Hitties. It could easily trigger another war.

If a war broke out again then these countries would have to choose sides. This would destroy all of the hard work my dad and I had put in. On the other hand to approach them so soon might also not work.

I rolled about for a bit trying to think of a solution, but nothing came. Why did things always have to be complicated. After a while of brain storming I finally gave up .

I was about to shut my eyes before the front door of my room flung open. I sat up startled and immediately became angry. Who in the world dared to enter my chamber without permission?

I looked in the direction of the door, ready to yell at this mad man. Upon seeing the person I just sighed instead.

My mother walks in graciously, not at all concerned about the deep furrow that settled in my brows.

''So you have returned back from your journey and didn't bother to come meet your mother,'' she said, one eyebrow raised as she looked at me with disappointment.

Damn, I had forgotten to see her. Whenever I returned from any sort of voyage I always made it a point to go see mother. But this time I completely forgot with everything that had happened.

''I'm really sorry mother, I had intended to but I was so tired and had a lot on my mind that I forgot,''I say, trying to look apologetic.

''Did something bad happen?'' she asks, her tone immediately changing. She voice laced with concern and worry.

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