THIRTY THREE: Inner Struggles

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Hope you guys like the song 😍😍❤❤.

Lets have a recap from the previous chapter.

"Its beautiful isn't it," He said with a smile. My eyes moved and met his. Wow those eyes. I remembered that from the first moment I met this man I have always been taken aback by those beautiful emerald orbs. And under the moon and star lit sky they appeared even more beautiful and magical. My heart was beating fast but I didn't mind it, actually now I came to enjoy it. Maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea after all.


Neith's Pov

"Yes, it is," I said, smiling back.

"You look beautiful. Seems like you were eager to meet me as well," Aahotep said, giving me his famous smirk. I sighed maybe coming here was not such a good idea after all.

"Anka did this," I said, moving my hands along my attire.

"Then I need to thank her. She did a brilliant job," he said with a wink.

My cheeks heated up instantly. This was bad.

"Why did you call me out at this time?" I asked, trying to shift the strange mood that had set in.

"To teach you how to dance," Aahotep said, with an cheeky smile.

"What?" I asked, a little confused. Why in Aten's name would I need to learn such a useless thing?

"Remember I said that we will be having a party after the treaty was signed?" Aahotep asked.

"Yes, you mentioned it, but what does that have to do with me learning how to dance?" I asked, still confused.

"Well we will be having a royal dance since its a tradition when something good happens," Aahotep said, still having that cheeky smile stuck on his stupid face.

"Is it really necessary that I should learn it?" I whined. I didn't want to be seen dancing in front of so many people.

"Yes, it is. As King and Queen we must initiate it. So shall we begin?" Aahotep asked and before I could answer he stepped forward and took me in his arms. One hand on my hip and with the other, he placed one of my hand on his shoulder while he took the other in his.

It happened so fast I hardly had time to react. I could feel the warmth of his skin flowing into my own. His rigid muscles made me feel a tad bit small. I could feel his heart beat racing probably as fast as mine was at this moment. I wanted to run away from this but at the same time I wanted it to last forever. Was this normal?

"Seems like you have grown taller," Aahotep said a little surprised.

"Oh, I hadn't noticed," I said, not knowing what to say.

"Keep growing like this and you'll be as tall as a tree," Aahotep said, trying to stifle a laugh. I wanted to stamp his foot but restained myself.

We moved slowly mostly to help me get my rhythm. I stepped on Aahotep twice or so and had to apologise but Aahotep just brushed it off. I looked everywhere except up so I wouldn't be transfixed by those eyes.

Silence covered us as neither said a word. But it wasn't a weird kind of silence more like a comfortable one.

"Neith, can I ask you something?" Aahotep said, breaking the long silence that had settled in.

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