9 mill.

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I walk out of the house and down the street. I'm gonna stop by the store Ian works at. Just for shits and giggles.

I walk down the street and one of the local pimps nod their head at me. I nod back.

I see the corner store and I start to wonder. What keeps driving me towards Ian? It's not like I like him or whatever.

I don't like red heads. Too bitchy.

Ok why the fuck am I doing this again?

I walk into the the store and kash eyes me. Where the fucks Ian?

I walk to the back of the store and pick out some random candy looking up and smiling at kash who doesn't stop staring at me.

I drop my smile and pretend to look at something else. Ian walks to the register and brushes against kash and blushes.

Gross. Fag.

I actually look at the things I'm grabbing and then walk out of the store flipping kash off as I walk out. The bell on the door ringing as it slams.

The fuck does carrot top see in that dude? He's like twice his age. Whatever fags.

I walk back to my house and eat the chips and other shit I got on the way there.

Cars are loud as hell. Especially when people decide to squeak the fucking tires.

I walk up the front steps of my house and see Mandy sitting on the couch doing something that I don't care about so I don't look that hard.

I jump into my bed, not giving a fuck, and stare up at the ceiling.

Man I'm bored as shit.

I jump up on impulse and open the dresser drawer full of guns.

I grab a 9 millimeter just for fun and shove it in the inside pocket of my coat.

I walk out of my bedroom and shut the door behind me.

No one needs to look at my shit.

I walk back out of the house and into the 40• fucking weather of Illinois and down to the L.

I pick up a random box and set it on top of a dumpster and pull the gun out.

Aiming at it I pull the trigger and the box falls off the dumpster.

This is kind of boring still.

Ian's face somehow makes its way into my head.

The fuck?

Why the hell?

Know what, no, nope. I aim the gun and the brick building next to me and pull the trigger until the gun clicks every time I shoot.


I'm not gay! I'm not some fag who will suck some guys dick if they ask me to.

So why the fuck is Ian in my head? With his fucking eyes and smile and fuck no!

I'm going home.

I shove the gun back into the pocket of my coat and walk home.

I'm drinking.

I walk home and as soon as I get there I walk to the fridge and open it grabbing a six-pack and a bottle of vodka. This should work.

Then I won't think about Ian anymore.

With that thought I chug as much beer as I can and then I open another one.

Double update because they are short. And because I'm still writing in bulk so it might take me a while. Thanks for reading and adding it the your guys' reading lists.

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