Condom joke ☀️

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Dedications: x_Gallavich_x xMindy8 Annabeth_759

"No you cannot have it back."

I turn the car on and reverse back out onto the road.

"Where are we going now?" I ask.

"Walmart? Seems the best place."

"And what do we have to get there?" I smirk at Ian and try to make him say he wants to go on the trip with me.

"Suitcases, dog food, shorts? Shit like that."

He just missed my fucking point.

"Why do we need those things Gallagher?" I look at Ian and he just looks confused.

"Why the hell do you think?"

"No...Ian..." I sigh.

"I meant why do we need those things. Where are we going?" I continue to say.

"Oh! I get it now. Since I didn't want to go earlier you're making me say I want to go, right?"

"Bingo, my friend!" I laugh and so does Ian.


"Seriously what?" I look at Ian for a quick second and then back at the road.

"Ok, fine." I say. "Bingo, my boyfriend!"

Ian laughs again but doesn't say anything.

"See it just doesn't sound as good." I pull into the parking lot of Walmart and find a parking space.

I turn the car off and we both get out.

"You're getting the cart." I say.

"What? Why me?"

"Cause we all know you're the woman in this relationship." I'm being sort of serious when I say that.

"Says the bottom."

I knew he was going to say that.

"Just cause I like what I like doesn't make me a bitch."

"...maaaayyyybe it does."

"Fuck off." I say.

We walk into the door and Ian walks away from me and grabs a cart.

Got that bitch.

"You know where we are supposed to go?"

"Nope." Ian says, pushing the cart straight.

We walk straight and Ian sees chips and grabs some and looks at me.

"Gotta have snacks dude. It's a long trip." He shrugs his shoulders and puts them in the cart.

"Whatever keeps you happy." I say and grab a bag I like.

We walk around the store and collect everything as we go.

We grabbed sunscreen, dog food, some shirts and some new shorts, and we even found those fucking suitcases.

I got a blue one and Ian got a green one even after I persisted he get a pink one.

We picked up some other shit that I don't even know if we need or not- but we got it.

When we got to the register I started putting things on the belt-y thing and the lady started scanning them and putting it in bags.

Ian turns away from me and I look up at him just to see he's staring at me.

He's fucking smiling.

"What?" I ask.

He laughs and points at a box of condoms.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" I lower my voice. "We don't fucking need those."

He starts laughing even harder. I know he's fucking with me.

When the lady scans everything Ian starts putting bags in the cart while I pay.

I spent a little more than I, A) anticipated and B) wanted to.

It's fine, though.

We walk out of the store and back to be car where we put everything in the trunk.

I shut the door and Ian returns the cart in one of those metal things.

The cart-return things, and we both get into the car.

I start the ignition and my stomach starts feeling weird.

Not like the blood type weird lately.

Not like throw-up weird either.

"You ok?" Ian says.

"Yeah. I think so."

"Well, lets get home before you actually get sick."

It's mostly dark out by now.

I stop at a stop light and wait until it turns green.

"You had a funny joke about the condoms didn't you?" I ask and look at Ian.

I hit the gas when the light does turn green and I see a car run the red light on the left side of me.

Everything goes black.

This is the sick feeling I had in my stomach.

Early chapter because I'm leaving tomorrow to go to Kentucky for the weekend to see my grandparents. I'm going to be writing lots and will have new stuff. I'm not giving up. (Yet lol) I hope you enjoyed this.

❌stay ok❌

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