A wild Kev appears

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What fucking time is it?

5 am.

Why don't you just fucking kill me.

I'd rather be dead than be up at 5 on a...

Damn what day is it?

I look around trying to find some way to tell the date.


I walk into the living room looking for Mandy's phone.

I have no clue where the hell mine is.

I find it sitting on the table.

I turn the thing on and it says it's Tuesday.

Fucking Tuesday? How the hell was yesterday Monday?

This is hurting my head.

What do I need to do today?


I walk back in my room and sit back down on my bed.

I can go give those stalinsky kids a wake up call.

Might as well.

I get up and out on a shirt and jeans and then my coat that still has the 9 millimeter gun in the pocket.

I pull the gun out and take the clip out.

I check how many bullets are in the gun.


Did I really leave the house yesterday with 3 fucking bullets?

I'm losing my mind holy shit.

I open the second drawer of my dresser and look for the box of ammunition this fits specifically to this gun.

I place 9 more bullets into the magazine and then place the magazine back into the gun.

It clicks and I put it back into the pocket of my coat with a total of 12 bullets.

I put my shoes on and make my way out of the house.

I turn right and start walking towards the stalinsky house.

As I walk I unfortunately get closer and closer to the Gallagher house.

No ones up right?

It's like 5 am of course no one is up.

I walk and then turn the corner.

Then I realize.

I have to actually pass the Gallagher house.

I look down at the sidewalk hoping just in case if anyone sees my passing the Gallagher house then they'll leave me alone.

"Hey, Mickey."

I fucking hate life.

I look up and see a sweaty Ian Gallagher.

Damn he's hot even when he's sweaty.

"Hey?" I say back.

"What are you doing up this early? It's still dark."

Shit. What do I say? Fuck!

"Don't ask me what I'm doing what the fuck are you doing?"

"Training for ROTC."

"Right. You're the military kid."

"Sure." He's fucking smiling, Mickey, Christ don't do shit. Just continue on.

"Well I got shit to do so..."

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