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Dedications: @EmeraldGirl123 @XAna1X @XxpsychokittyxX

I get to go home today.

Finally, I'm sick of the hospital coffee.

Ian stands beside me and plays on his phone.

We are waiting for the doctor to come check on me before I can leave.

I finish watching whatever scary movie is playing on the tv and the doctor comes in with a clipboard.

It's a different doctor this time.

Ian looks up from his phone as the doctor walks over to me.

"How are you feeling today, mr. Milkovich?"

He flips through a couple of papers in the clipboard.

"I feel fantastic...other than...this." I point to my leg.

It still hurts pretty bad. Not constantly but once the pain meds wear out and right before they give me another dose is the worst.

Obviously, Mickey, that's when it hurts the worst.

Fucking idiot.

"Ah, yes, don't worry we will be sending you home with main medication."

I nod my head and Ian doesn't really do anything beside stand there.

The doctor keeps flipping through pages on his clipboard before he hands it to me with a pen.

"If you could just sign here." He points to a line on the paper. "We can sign you out and you'll be free to leave."

"Awesome." I say as I sign my name and hand the clipboard back.

I'm so fucking ready to leave.

Not really ready to have to walk in fucking crutches but I gotta do what I gotta do.

"You have to come back in one week exactly from now to have your staples removed."

"Ok." I say and the doctor walks around the bed and starts unplugging me from things.

"Your appointment is scheduled for 5:15. Let me just get all this off you and you can go change."

He finished whatever and starts to leave.

"Have a good day, sir."

When he leaves and shuts the door Ian opens his big mouth.

"Mr. Milkovich...sir." He fucking giggles like a little girl.

"Shut the fuck up and help me get off this damn bed."

He helps me get up and I sit back down.

"Shit...I need clean clothes."

"Got ya." Ian says as he turns around and hands me a bag.

When did he bring me these?

I look at him confused and he gets it.

"Brought them when you were sleeping."

I nod my head and start to get back up.

I can stand on my leg but I try to not put a lot of weight on it anyway.

Ian helps me walk into the bathroom and before I shut the door I see myself in the mirror.

"Holy...fuck..." I say as I look at all the scratches and cuts and bruises on my face.

I start to pick at the scabs.

"Yeah...almost makes you look better."

Ian stands in the doorway.

"Fuck off." I say and turn around to grab my clothes.

"Your whole ass is hanging out mick."

I shrug my shoulders.

"You probably like it."

I stand up and turn and face Ian and out my hand on the doorknob.

"You probably like it too much."

I shut the bathroom door and look for my underwear in the bag. I find them and set them on the sink before I take the hospital gown off.

I throw it in the corner on the floor and attempt to put my boxers on.

Once I (not very easily) get them on I look for my jeans.

I pull out a pair of sweatpants instead and look at the cast on my foot.

"Good thinking babe." I whisper to myself.

I put my sweatpants on and then I find a black shirt.

I throw that on and walk out of the bathroom and throw the bag at Ian.

"Nurse brought you these, cripple." He hands me a pair of crutches.

"Ugh fuck." I say and take them from him.

"What else do you have here?"

"Just my old clothes which are over here." I say as I make my way over to the right side of the bed and hand Ian a plastic bag with my name on it.

"That's it." I say as he packs up my stuff.

"Alright, we are ready to go."

"Car keys?"
I start to say

Ian pulls out a different set of keys and waves them around.

"New car."

"How did you get a new car?"

"The dude that hit us is rich I guess so he bought another car if we said we wouldn't press charges."

"So you took the car?"

"Fuck yeah I did. And don't worry about this." He motions to the hospital.

"He paid for all this too."


I follow him out of the hospital and out into the parking lot.

Ian walks up to a black trail blazer that looks straight off of the line.

"Nice right?" He says as he unlocks he car and opens my door.

"Yeah." I say and get in the car.

Ian gets into the other side and starts the car.

"Lets go home." He says as he grabs my hand and pulls out of the parking lot.

Noice chapter. Also y'all can thank me for the small babe that was in there cause it kind of melted my heart too

stay ok

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