Run for it ☀️

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"Mickey! Mickey wake up!" Ian's yelling.

I jump out of bed quickly and look at him.

"What's wrong?" He stares at me and points to my pillow

There's blood all over it.

"What the fuck.." I whisper.

I walk to the bathroom and there's blood on my teeth and my lip.

What he hell happened?

"Were taking you to the hospital." Ian says as he walks into the bathroom and check on me.

"Thanks but no thanks, mom." Be sarcastic. Lets try to make this a funny situation and get over it.

I'm not going to the hospital and I'm not worrying Ian.

Fuck that.

"Mickey! What the fuck! You have to go there's something wrong."

I have to think. What excuse can I make up?

"Ya know I bet i just bit the inside of my mouth or something. I tend to do that actually."

"Yeah but that much blood? Like the entire pillowcase was covered."

He doesn't believe me. Who should I just dead-ass lied to him.

"Ok well look, even if you take me to the hospital, all I gotta say is 'I refuse medical treatment' and then they can't treat me."

I grab a wash cloth and wash the blood off of my face.

"Oh fuck off! You gotta see that this isn't healthy."

"If it keeps getting worse then I'll go ok?

I let the washcloth drop to my side.

"I promise, ok?"

He looks defeated. But I'm not going. If there is something wrong then mine and Ian's relationship will probably all be worrying about me, medical bills and death.

He walks back into the bedroom.

Everything will become stressful and he probably won't stay with me.

Even if it's short term then it will heal on its own.

If it's something that's fixable then my body will fix it for me.

"Lets do something today."

I walk into the room and he's talking the pillowcase off the pillow and putting it on the floor.

"That time of the month huh." Ian says.

"Fuck off you were just nagging me about it."

"I had to do laundry anyway" I say again.

"Mickey do you even have a washer?"

The fuck.

"Yes I have a washer, cunt! It's downstairs."

Keep It To Yourself -GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now