Coma ❌ ☀️

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I wake up and Ian is still sleeping. Titus is laying between us and somewhat on top of Ian.

I smile at him and I can see the sun through the curtain over the sliding door that leads to the balcony.

Balcony's make me think of cigarettes. I want one.

But I'm not just by myself anymore. I have Ian to look out for. Its not just Mickey anymore.

It's Ian and mickey.

If this whole thing is gonna work out then I can't make a selfish decision like that.

I get up out of bed and put some jeans on. I walk over to the other side of the room and put a hoodie on without a shirt.

Who the fuck needs a shirt?

I grab titus' leash off the dresser where I put it yesterday and he jumps up when he hears the clinging of the metal.

He sits in front of me and I clip the leash to his collar.

I drop the leash and walk over to Ian sill laying in bed. I put a hand on his head and kiss his forehead.

"I'm gonna take titus outside"

He makes a "mhm" sound and moves his leg under the covers.

I stand back up and walk over to the door and titus follows waiting at the door.

I pick the leash back up open the door. We walk down the hallway and reach the automatic doors.

As soon as the doors open the cold hits me.

It's cold but it's not freezing. It's normal cold. It just feels like morning. Dew in the air and everything has a slight frost on it.

Home is probably covered in ice.

We take a left walking on the sidewalk. There's a sign with a dog on it. The sign is stuck on a pole in the grass right next to the sidewalk.

I loosen the leash to let titus use the bathroom in the grass.

He pees and walks back onto the sidewalk, his paws leaving wet prints.

I take him for a walk just around the hotel and he finds another patch of grass with a sign in it and uses the bathroom again.

We walk back into the hotel and I get i the door and remember I forgot to grab the door key.

I panic and check my pockets. Luckily I put on the same jeans I put the key in last night.

That's probably the most luck I have ever had.

I put the key in and the door clicks. I open the door and titus runs in and jumps on the empty bed with the leash still attached to him.

I walk in and shut the door behind him and I hear the shower running.

I smile, a thought coming to mind.

I take my hoodie off and throw it on the floor. I unclip the leash from titus and throw it on the floor also.

I knock on the bathroom door "hey can I take a piss?"

"Yeah" I hear Ian say from inside

I open the door and walk over to the toilet. The seat is already up from Ian.

I take a piss quietly while he continues to shower. I look at the curtain trying to see him through it.

I flush the toilet and I quietly take my jeans off.

"How you feel today?" I ask him.

"Fine now that I slept a lot." He chuckles.

I let my jeans fall all the way to floor and then I make my way out of my boxers.

Keep It To Yourself -GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now