This type of life isnt glamorous

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"Come on Titus." I say as we walk out of the door and down onto the sidewalk.

We should go to that one park

He one that no one hardly goes to.

It's got that cool building.

The one that has all those paint chips on the floor and it's about to fall down.

That sounds nice.

I could even let him off the leash

We continue walking down the street and pass a few people, not many just a group of kids and Lip.

He's angry. I don't know what happened to him.

Probably frank.

He's always doing some dumb shit.


I can see the park.

Well, it's not like it's that far from my house.


I stop as I walk onto the sidewalk that surrounds the entire park, and unclip the leash from his collar.

We should go to the top of that building.

I always liked going up there.

Just to walk around and kick the rocks around. It's nice to look out the windows and look down on everything.

It's a really tall building and I don't know what it used to be.

Like...why is it so tall and in the middle of the park?

And no ones taken care of it.

No one ever takes care of it.

There's paint all over it.


I still continue to walk towards the building and Titus doesn't seem to think about leaving my side.

As we enter the opening on the building where the door used to be Titus starts barking.


I stop walking but he doesn't stop barking.

He doesn't turn around and doesn't leave my side but just barks.

"I don't understand."

He stops barking for a moment and sits next to me.


He jumps up and runs up the stairs directly in front of our position.

I run after him.


I run up the stairs but quickly lose sight of him. He's faster.

I stop when I get to he second floor, not knowing if he continued to go up.

I don't hear him barking.

Now I do.

He's up more.

I run up the next flight of stairs and see Ian Gallagher.


Titus stops barking when he sees me.

Why is Titus standing over him?

Why is he laying on the ground?


I walk over to him, he's not moving.

"Ian." I say again hoping it will make him move.

I lean down on one knee and shake his arm.

Keep It To Yourself -GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now