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This chapter is dedicated to killedcrowd
For giving me the idea for this chapter!

I cried for hours last night.


It was jut a quite cry that makes you think of nothing.

Just blank thoughts.

But I have to get up.

I have to go find Ian today.

Today I'm going to confront him.

I'm not sure about what yet. But I can figure that out as I go.

I get up and let Titus outside to use the bathroom.

It doesn't look like it snowed anymore.

Actually, it looks like it melted a little.

Titus comes back in because guess the fuck what. It's cold.

I walk into the bathroom and turn the water on and let it heat up, cause I'm not taking a fucking cold shower.

Fuck that

I get into the the hot shower and stand there. It's nice. Warm, well it's hot as shit but it's nice.

Thanks, Satan, for pouring out of the faucet.

I tune the hot water down a small inch and continue to shower.

I get out of the shower and guess what again.

It's cold as fuck. What a surprise.

I get dressed and put my coat on.

I walk out of my room and to the kitchen where titus' bowls should be.

I fill one wth food and one with water and then walk back to my room to grab my keys.

I stare at the cigarette carton and lighter sitting next to my keys.


I don't need those.

I shove my keys in my pocket of my coat and leave the house with nothing else.

Well, maybe my wallet.

But I didn't even think about the drawer full of guns I have in my room.

I just wanted to go see Ian.

First look. The Gallagher house.

I walk out of the front door and get into my car and drive down to their house and knock on the door.

Carl answers the door and I ask if Ian's here and he says no so I get back in my car.

Where else would Ian have gone?

Maybe he went back to work?

That's the only place I can think of.

I start the car and turn down the next street to turn around and head to the store.

I pass some cars and people, but surprisingly not many.

I park across the street from the store and turn the car off and get out.

I look both ways across the street and walk into the store.

Kash and Ian rush out of the back of the store.

Hair messy and belts unbuckles.

And Ian's pants unzipped

"what the fuck?"

They both stare at me

"Ian you're fucking this asshole? What the fuck!"

I run out of the store, hurt.

Ian runs after me. Maybe he cares.

"Mickey please don't tell anyone..."

No...I was wrong he doesn't care. He just wants to cover himself."

"What the fuck Ian?"

You guys will have to wait until the next chapter! this kind of sucks because I'm writing it in lunch and I had to get it finished.  So hope you enjoyed this chapter

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